1.d4 f5 2.Bg5 - Expert Repertoire for White
Given the rising popularity of the Dutch Defence, finding a reliable antidote is crucial for every 1.d4 player. In this database, GM Michael Roiz suggests a very dangerous and practical system - 1.d4 f5 2.Bg5
By pinning the e7-pawn, White immediately makes it difficult for Black to proceed with the development. Besides stopping the setups based on ...e7-e6, White is ready to answer 2...Nf6 with 3.Bxf6, thus getting a fantastic version of the Trompowsky. Regardless of whether your opponent likes Stonewall or Leningrad structures, the system with 2.Bg5 will definitely take him out of his comfort zone. Moreover, in this survey, GM Roiz shows that even objectively Black does not have equality in this system.
The database consists of 13 theoretical chapters, 3 model games, 15 interactive tests, Video Version (3h Running Time), Memory Booster, and Computer Practice.
The Memory Booster helps you to interactively train the most important theoretical variations.
The new feature called Computer Practice allows you to play several critical positions against a strong engine. In most cases, you need to convert an advantage in a typical position. After practising these positions with an engine, you will be confident when similar situations arise in your practical games.
Besides the extensive investigation of the main lines, Roiz also provides a throughout coverage of the sidelines. In the main starting position, Black has a variety of options as early as move 2.
In the first chapter of the database, Roiz deals with minor options such as 2...b6, 2...c5, and 2...Nc6. Of course, these moves cannot provide Black with decent play.
Another interesting option on move 2 is 2...d6.
Black's idea is to answer 3.e3 with 3...g6
This is the most flexible way of development. Black goes for a quick fianchetto, and then he might play Ng8-f6 at some point. In this case, Roiz suggests a powerful concept starting with 4.Bc4 which is a typical way of inhibiting Black's development in this line. Later on, White might follow with Ne2-f4 and possibly h2-h4-h5. Black faces serious problems in all these positions.
According to Roiz, the move 2...d5 is not challenging at all.
In Chapter 3 of the database, the author gives the following evaluation:
Although this move was employed by many great players, such as Kortschnoj, Nakamura and others, I find it dubious. Black grants White control of the e5-square and delays the development of his pieces.
White's most energetic option is 3.c4 when he easily gets an upper hand in the centre.
Surprisingly, many strong players answered 2.Bg5 with 2...Nf6. The problem with this move is that after 3.Bxf6 exf6 4.e3, White gets a fantastic version of the Trompowsky.
Contrary to the Trompowsky, Black has a pawn on f5, instead of f7. This difference makes the black king quite vulnerable. Since in Trompowsky Black usually has pawns on f7 and f5, the f6-square is available for the knight. Obviously, this is not the case here. White has a stable advantage in all the lines. This approach is examined in Chapter 4 of the database.
Chapter 5 deals with another interesting possibility on move 2 - 2...c6
This flexible move gained popularity in recent years. Black still can opt for both ...d7-d6 or d7-d5, and also the resource Qd8-b6 comes to consideration.
According to Roiz, White's most precise reaction is 3.Nd2.
Among many sensible continuations, Roiz mostly likes this one: White prepares the key e2-e4 break, while 3...d5 can still be met by c2-c4 at some point.
The next two chapters are dedicated to 2...h6.
This is Black's second choice. Of course, it is a challenging move for both sides: Black grabs lots of space on the kingside and threatens to trap the bishop, but also seriously weakens his king.
Besides all the sidelines that are covered by Roiz, the most important crossroads is being reached after 3.Bh4 g5 4.e3 Nf6 5.Bg3 d6 6.h4
The threat of hxg5 forces Black to make a concession. There are two possible directions - 6...g4 and 6...Rg8. These two options are covered in Chapters 6 and 7. According to the analysis of Michael Roiz, Black cannot prove equality.
The remaining part of the database is dedicated to 2...g6
At this point, the author suggests 3.Nc3.
Black should already reckon with the advance e2-e4. Additionally, White often goes for a kingside activity by preparing the advance h2-h4. For example, if Black radically prevents e2-e4, with 3...d5, Roiz suggests a very aggressive approach - 4.Qd2 followed by 0-0-0 and h2-h4. This system is covered in Chapter 8.
Another important point is that 3...Nf6 is well met by 4.h4!.
This standard push is even more effective now. White is intending to answer 4...Bg7 with 5.h5 Nxh5 6.e4 with a very dangerous attack. On the other hand, 4...h6, can be met by 5.Bxf6 exf6 6.Nh3 with the idea to follow with Nf4 on the next move. These lines are covered in Chapter 9.
A more flexible option for Black is 3...Bg7.
Black proceeds with the development, thus keeping the option of modifying the pawn structure. At this point, Roiz suggests 4.Nf3
White also does not show his cards. In most of the lines, he is going to follow with e2-e3. It's important to point out that the option of creating a kingside attack is still on the table. For example, if Black refrains from the advance ...d7-d5, White often goes for Bc4 and h2-h4. Additionally, in many lines, Black does not have a comfortable way to meet the advance e3-e4.
Even though Black has many possible setups, none of his options manages to completely solve the problems. All these lines are covered in Chapters 10-13.
After the theoretical section, you will find 3 annotated model games. By examining them, you will get a better feeling of the positional and tactical ideas in the system with 2.Bg5.
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