1.e4 e5 for Black - Everything Except Italian and Ruy Lopez
This product includes all the videos from the workshop as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of 9 hours of video and a PGN database which includes 131 files!
You will find the following lectures:
✅ Repertoire against King's Gambit and Centre Game
✅ Complete Solution to Bishop's Opening and Vienna Game
✅ Four Knights Opening - Complete Solution for Black
✅ Scotch Four Knights, Danish Gambit and Ponziani
✅ Repertoire against the Scotch Game - Part 1
✅ Repertoire against the Scotch Game - Part 2
Now, we shall take a look at the different lectures.
Repertoire against King's Gambit and Centre Game
This lecture is an introduction to the King's Gambit. Papaioannou examines two very interesting options for Black that, in his opinion, will give you a very nice position, avoiding White's main ideas to get a complicated play. The lecture also illustrates how to respond to 2.d4 as Black.
The main suggestion against King's Gambit is 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 Ne7
In the introduction to this lecture, GM Papaioannou writes, "We avoid memorizing lines with 3... g5 or h6 and d6 because we don't want to play White's game and go for the complicated position that White wants to achieve. The real problem when we play against the King's gambit is not to find a valid line against it but to find practically good lines. 3.. .Ne7 is a very interesting idea that is easy to learn. In almost every case, Black's move will be d5 (except for 4.Qe2-Nc6!), and then, one way or another. He gains the d5 square for his knight. Black is never interested in keeping his extra f4 pawn by playing moves like g7-g5. He wants to develop fast and get at least an equal game! White's most challenging set-up is with 4. Qe2!? intending to go for long castling. But we have a great plan with Nc6!, Bb4, Nce7!!, Bxc3 and then d7-d5!"
In this lecture, you will also see a backup option - 2...d5 3.exd5 exf4 4.Nf3 Be7
A very rare line that is also very good for Black, and so far it hasn't been played in the right way. Black is willing to sacrifice a pawn for the initiative this time for a change.
Below, you shall take a look at one of the model games.
Complete Solution to Bishop's Opening and Vienna Game
Vienna Game and Bishop's Opening are the only serious alternative to 2.Nf3. Those moves deserve serious attention. Papaioannou prepared for you easy-to-learn systems that transpose one to another. Armed with the knowledge from this lecture, you will be comfortable playing against those openings.
The first important moment is that after 1.e4 e5 2.Nc3, we start with 3...Nc6.
Papaioannou likes this move because 3.f4 is not as dangerous (as in 2...Nf6). Also, Black keeps the option to develop the knight on "e7" in many lines. Another important moment is that after 2...Nf6 3.d4 exd4 4.Qxd4, the arising positions are not that easy to handle.
At the position on the diagram, Papaioannou covers 3.f4, 3.g3, and 3.Bc4.
The most important tabiya of the lecture arises after 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.d3 Bb4
Here is how, Papaioannou justifies this choice himself, "This is our first tabya. I like it for Black because it cuts a lot of theory and is easy to play. White has two systems: 5.Ne2 and 5.Nf3. Against the first one, we break the centre with d7-d5 and get a good game. Against the second one, we exchange the bishop on c3-square and then try to finish the development slowly".
Below, you shall take a look at one of the model games.
Four Knights Opening - Complete Solution for Black
The main starting point of this lecture is being reached after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 Nf6
At the beginning of the lecture, Papaioannou shows why moves such as 4.h3, 4.a3, and 4.Be2 are not dangerous for Black. In all the cases, we play 4...d5.
The most important position of the lecture arises after 4.Bb5 Bb4 5.0-0 0-0 6.d3 Bxc3 7.bxc3 d6
For the moment, Black has the better pawn structure to compensate for his opponent's pair of bishops. White has three approaches: 1) Complete development and pin Black's king's knight. 2) Take on c6 to keep the game symmetrical. 3) Make a useful waiting move.
In all cases, Black has adequate counterplay
Below is one of the model games.
Scotch Four Knights, Danish Gambit and Ponziani
This lecture covers three interesting openings. Of course, the Scotch Four Knights is the most serious option.
The starting position of the Ponziani arises after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.c3
The Ponziani is not a very popular opening, but we need to know what to do against it. There is more than one way to get a good position. In this lecture, Papaioannou shows the "simplest" solution.
After 3.d4 exd4, White can also play 4.c3.
The so-called Goring Gambit is not dangerous at all. Black has a well-known equalizer, which you should remember.
The Scotch Four Knights arises after 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3
We can get this position with the 3.Nc3 move order as well. The Four Knights Scotch is a very annoying and serious option for White. Sometimes is really hard to play for a win with Black. Nevertheless, Papaioannou suggests quite an interesting and fighting option for Black.
Below, you shall take a look at one of the model games.
Repertoire against the Scotch Game - Part 1 and Part 2
The final two lectures are dedicated to the Scotch Game. The main position arises after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nxc6 bxc6
The line starting with 4...Nf6 is the most principled way of playing against the Scotch Game. Since the arising positions are highly irrational, Black can easily play for a win. Both sides have so many options that no one can remember all the possible move orders. Therefore, the lectures are designed to teach the philosophy of the arising positions. Also, you will learn all the must-know positional and tactical patterns. At this point, White's main continuation is 6.e5. Of course, all the alternatives are examined as well. All in all, in this line, Black is doing fine both from theoretical and practical perspectives. After studying the theoretical files (placed at the beginning), make sure to check all the model games. After doing this work, you will be confident enough when facing the Scotch.
Below, is one of the model games.