1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 - Play the Reti (7 hours 30 mins Video Running Time) 

GM Ioannis Papaioannou     October 15, 2022


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Content  (132 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Video Lecture  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 1  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 2  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 3  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 4  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 5  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 6  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 7  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 8  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 9  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 10  Closed
Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies - Model Game 11  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Video Lecture  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 1  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 2  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 3  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 4  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 5  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 6  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 7  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 8  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 9  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 10  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 11  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 12  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 13  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 14  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 15  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 16  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 17  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 18  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 19  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 20  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 21  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 22  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 23  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 24  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 25  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 26  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 27  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 28  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 29  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 30  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 31  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 32  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 33  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 34  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 35  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 36  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 37  Closed
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Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 40  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 41  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 42  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 43  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 44  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 45  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 46  Closed
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Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 49  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 50  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 51  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 52  Closed
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Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 54  Closed
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Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 56  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 57  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 58  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 59  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 60  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 61  Closed
Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6 - Model Game 62  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Video Lecture  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 1  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 2  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 3  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 4  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 5  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 6  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 7  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 8  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 9  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 10  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 11  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 12  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 13  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 14  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 15  Closed
Fighting the Slav Setups - Model Game 16  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Video Lecture  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 1  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 2  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 3  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 4  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 5  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 6  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 7  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 8  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 9  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 10  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 11  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 12  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 13  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 14  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 15  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 16  Closed
Dealing with the Rare Setups - Model Game 17  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Video Lecture  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 1  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 2  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 3  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 4  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 5  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 6  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 7  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 8  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 9  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 10  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 11  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 12  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 13  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 14  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 15  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 16  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 17  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 18  Closed
King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed - Model Game 19  Closed
Q&A Session  Closed

54.90 EUR

1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 - Play the Reti

The masterclass - 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 - Play the Reti is already a digital product. This product includes all the videos from the workshop as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of approximately 7.5 hours of video and a PGN database which includes 131 files! 

As promised, at the end of the PGN file, you will find additional analysis (by GM Michael Roiz) related to the move order 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 g6.

If you are looking for a positional opening where the typical ideas and plans are more important than the concrete theory, Reti is your choice!

In this camp, GM Papaioannou will share his repertoire for White after 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3


After studying the lectures, you will also be ready to face many move orders starting with 1...Nf6 as well.

You get 7.5 hours of high-level training which will provide you with the following benefits:

✅ Better understanding of the Slav Structures

✅ Better understanding of the Catalan-type of positions

✅ Complete solution against King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed

✅ Better feeling of the connection between the opening and the middlegame

✅ Better general chess understanding

✅ High-class repertoire after 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3

Below, we shall briefly take a look at the different lectures.

Typical Reti Ideas and Strategies

The workshop starts with a lecture about the typical ideas, move orders, and strategies in the Reti opening.
It is a must for every Reti player, mainly because this opening is played mainly on understanding, not of memorization of long lines.

Below, you shall see on of the examples from this lecture.

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Catalan Setups - Black Plays ...e7-e6

In the second lecture, GM Papaioannou discusses one of the most important setups - The Catalan one. 
There are two main directions - The closed position where Black is keeping the pawn on the d5-square and the variation in which Black is taking on c4. In both lines the author suggests many new ideas and he believes that Black can fight for an advantage.

Below, you shall see one of the model games:


Fighting the Slav Setups

Very important lecture. The Slav Setups are the cornerstone of the Reti opening and are considered critical. GM Papaioannou suggests the move order 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 c6 3.Bg2 Nf6 4.c4! (4.0-0 is also analyzed). Here Black has different tries, but the most critical one is 4...dxc4
The variations here are pretty sharp, but when you study the lecture well and aim with all the analyses, you will be very confident playing this position for White.

Below, you shall see one of the model games.


Dealing with the Rare Setups

This lecture is dedicated to some not-so-common setups like 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Nc6 (or 2...Nd7) 
Those systems are quite tricky and require some knowledge, but the Greek GM provides a clear solution against them. 

Below, you can take a look at Papaioannou' suggestion against 2...Nd7.


King's Indian and Gruenfeld Reversed

 The last lecture finishes the cycle and gives a solution against those two ambitious setups. True to his approach, Papaioannou suggests lines that are mainly based on understanding.