Attack with Scotch Game - GM GM Avetik Grigoryan and GM Samvel Ter-Sahakyan (Video Database - 10+ hours running time) 

Modern Chess Team     May 28, 2021


Video Content

Content  (154 Articles)

Introduction  Free
Warm Welcome  Closed
Introduction  Closed
Introduction - Why Scotch Game  Closed
Introduction - Strategies for Both Sides  Closed
Introduction - Let's go  Closed
Section 1 - Rare and passive moves - Introduction  Closed
Section 1 - Game 1 with 4...Nd4?!  Closed
Section 1 - Game 2  Closed
Section 1 - 4...d5?  Closed
Section 1 - Tricky moves 4...Qh4 and 4...Qf6  Closed
Section 1 - Game with 4...Qh4  Closed
Section 1 - 4... passive moves  Closed
Section 1 - Game with 4...d6  Closed
Section 1 - Game with 4...Be7  Closed
Section 1 - Game with 4...g6. Review of the passive moves  Closed
Section 1 - 4...Bb4  Closed
Section 1 - Review  Closed
Section 2 - 4...Bc5 - Introduction  Closed
Section 2 - 6...d6  Closed
Section 2 - Giri A. - Navara D.  Closed
Section 2 - Negi P. - Maiorov N.  Closed
Section 2 - 6...Nf6  Closed
Section 2 - The fantastic plan! Popov I. - Dvirnyy D.  Closed
Section 2 - 7...0-0  Closed
Section 2 - 8....Nd4  Closed
Section 2 - The main line- 8...h6  Closed
Section 2 - Review  Closed
Section 3 - 4...Nf6 - Introduction  Closed
Section 3 - 5...dc6? Understanding this pawn structure  Closed
Section 3 - 5...dc6? Grigoryan A. - Simone L. (Simul game)  Closed
Section 3 - 6...Nd5?  Closed
Section 3 - Game 1: Grigoryan A. - NN (Simul game)  Closed
Section 3 - Game 2: Grigoryan A. - NN (Simul game)  Closed
Section 3 - Game 3: Crushing attack by my student  Closed
Section 3 - 6...Qe7 main line - 8.h4! The tricky and strong move  Closed
Section 3 - 8...h6  Closed
Section 3 - 8...a5  Closed
Section 3 - 8...Bb7  Closed
Section 3 - 8...d6  Closed
Section 3 - 8...Qe6  Closed
Section 3 - 8...f6 Crazy lines  Closed
Section 3 - Review  Closed
Section 4 - Congrats with your new strong weapon!  Closed
Section 5 - Addition Scotch Game - Introduction  Closed
Section 6 - Addition section - 4...Nd4? - Introduction  Closed
Section 6 - The strategical problem  Closed
Section 6 - Agenda  Closed
Section 6 - 5...Nf6  Closed
Section 6 - The three reasons why we go 0-0-0!  Closed
Section 6 - 5...d6  Closed
Section 6 - 5...Ne7  Closed
Section 6 - 5...c5  Closed
Section 6 - 5...Qf6  Closed
Section 6 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 7 - Addition section - 3...Nf6? - Introduction  Closed
Section 7 - Why do they play 3...Nf6?  Closed
Section 7 - We're just checkmating!  Closed
Section 7 - 6...Nd6  Closed
Section 7 - 6...d6  Closed
Section 7 - 5...d6  Closed
Section 7 - 4...Nb8  Closed
Section 7 - 4...Na5  Closed
Section 7 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 8 - Addition section - The Attacking Plans - Introduction  Closed
Section 8 - Attacking the passive setup  Closed
Section 8 - Attacking against 7...Nf6  Closed
Section 8 - Attacking against 7...Nge7  Closed
Section 8 - Attacking against 7...Qf6  Closed
Section 8 - How do we meet opponent's attack?  Closed
Section 8 - Ruining opponent's pawn structure  Closed
Section 8 - Attacking the fake dragon  Closed
Section 8 - See you in the next sections!  Closed
Section 9 - Scotch Model Games - Introduction  Closed
Section 10 - Model Games with 4...d6 - Negi is attacking!  Closed
Section 10 - White's best setup  Closed
Section 11 - Model Games with 4...g6 - The fake dragon  Closed
Section 12 - Model Games with 4...Bb4+ 5.c3 Bc5 - The multistyle Master  Closed
Section 12 - In Rubinstein's style  Closed
Section 13 - Model Games - 7.Qe2 with Be3 - Easy attack  Closed
Section 13 - Easy attack 2  Closed
Section 13 - The c7 weakness  Closed
Section 13 - The endgame  Closed
Section 13 - How to win winning positions  Closed
Section 13 - The power of pawns' storm  Closed
Section 13 - Learning from the mistakes  Closed
Section 13 - The queen sacrifice  Closed
Section 14 - Model Games - 7.Qe2 with Bg5 - The master of pins  Closed
Section 14 - Lessons from the master of pins  Closed
Section 14 - The Little Bobby  Closed
Section 15 - Model Games with 8.h4! - Just defend the queenside  Closed
Section 15 - The weak King  Closed
Section 15 - 4 Islands  Closed
Section 15 - 3 Islands  Closed
Section 16 - Scotch Common Mistakes - Introduction  Closed
Section 17 - Common Mistakes on <1500 Level - 2...Bc5?  Closed
Section 17 - 2...Qf6 and 2...Qe7  Closed
Section 17 - g7 pawn  Closed
Section 17 - The problem of early Nf6  Closed
Section 17 - Let's move on  Closed
Section 18 - Common Mistakes on 1500+ Level - After 7.Qe2 8.Be3 or Bg5?  Closed
Section 18 - Use the pin!  Closed
Section 18 - The difference after 8...h6  Closed
Section 18 - Qd2 or Qd3?  Closed
Section 18 - ab3 or cb3?  Closed
Section 18 - Meeting the attack  Closed
Section 18 - The correct way to organize the pawn storm  Closed
Section 18 - The bishop on f1  Closed
Section 18 - The idea of 8.h4!  Closed
Section 18 - See you :)  Closed
Section 19 - The PGN file + Homework  Closed
Section 20 - Advanced Scotch Game - Introduction  Closed
Section 21 - Advanced section - 13.Qc2!N  Closed
Section 21 - 14...d4!  Closed
Section 21 - 14...Be6  Closed
Section 21 - 14...Qc7  Closed
Section 21 - 14...Qd6  Closed
Section 21 - Congratulations with your new weapon!  Closed
Section 22 - Advanced section - 8...Tricky moves - 4...Qf6  Closed
Section 22 - 4...Qh4  Closed
Section 23 - Advanced section - Scotch with h4! 8...Bb7 9. Nd2 super idea!  Closed
Section 23 - Avetik_ChessMood - honestgirl (blitz 3+0) 2019  Closed
Section 24 - Advanced section - 8.h4! g6 - Idea of 8...g6  Closed
Section 24 - 9...Qb4  Closed
Section 24 - 9...Qe6 is even worse  Closed
Section 24 - 9...f6 Endgames are bad for Black  Closed
Section 24 - 9...Qc5  Closed
Section 24 - Conclusion of 8...g6  Closed
Section 25 - Advanced section - 8.h4 Qe6!? - Introduction  Closed
Section 25 - Ideas of Qe6 move  Closed
Section 25 - Kd1 strong move  Closed
Section 25 - 11...Qf5  Closed
Section 25 - 11...d5  Closed
Section 25 - Conclusion of 9...Nb4  Closed
Section 25 - 9...d6  Closed
Section 25 - Тhe 2nd option - 9.Nd2  Closed
Section 25 - 9...d6 against Nd2  Closed
Section 25 - 9...Nb4  Closed
Section 25 - 9...a5 10.a3!N  Closed
Section 25 - Conclusion of 8...Qe6  Closed
Section 26 - Advanced Section - The Craziest Variation Ever - Introduction  Closed
Section 26 - Agenda  Closed
Section 26 - A piece of advice  Closed
Section 26 - 10...fe5  Closed
Section 26 - 10...0-0-0  Closed
Section 26 - This is Insane!!!  Closed
Section 26 - 14...Kb7  Closed
Section 26 - The Hero Pawn  Closed
Section 26 - 11...Qb4  Closed
Section 26 - 11...Qc5  Closed
Section 26 - 13...Qb4  Closed
Section 26 - 13...Qe5  Closed
Section 26 - 10...Nb6  Closed
Section 26 - Wanna stay in chess history? :)  Closed

160.00 EUR

Partner product:


Attack with Scotch Game - GM Avetik Grigoryan & GM Samvel Ter-Sahakyan
Players from all levels struggle to find a reliable repertoire for White after 1.e4 e5. Usually, Black is able to achieve a rock-solid position without theoretical problems.
In this course, Armenian grandmasters Avetik Grigoryan and Samvel Ter-Sahakyan make a strong case for the Scotch Game that arises after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4
The current video course suggests playing trendy and aggressive lines. Besides deep explanations of tactical and positional ideas, you will find many novelties and unexplored ideas. The content is structured in a way that players of all levels can benefit. The basic section makes sure that you get a strong foundation. Those of you who want to go even deeper can examine the Advanced Section which is very useful for a level of 2200+. 
The authors of the course tested the repertoire suggestions in countless online blitz games. They have discovered that most of the players below 2000 rating lost in the very opening and not getting to the middlegame. Players with a rating of around 2400 were often checkmated in 20-30 moves. At the same time, almost all the Masters and GMs were getting bad positions, cause all these lines, that you'll find here, are relatively new, and in theory, it's not clear how to play for Black.

You can see some of the diagrams of this course below.

scotch game avetik grigoryan

We are super excited to share here with you these tricky and trendy lines of the Scotch Game and see your amazing results.

So, let’s begin the journey!

About the authors

Avetik Grigoryan is a strong GM from Armenia. In 2010, he became National Champion of Armenia and represented his country at the Olympiad. Besides his player career, Avetik is famous for his coaching experience as well. He has worked with 10 grandmasters. Additionally, he is the author of many online courses on different subjects. Avetik has over ten years of coaching experience and was the coach for the National Thailand team.

avetik gregoryan
GM Avetik Grigoryan

GM Samvel Ter-Sahakyan became International Grandmaster at the age of 15. He was European U-18 Champion in 2009, World U-18 champion in 2011, and Karpos Open Winner in 2017.

samvel ter sahakyan
GM Samvel Ter-Sahakyan