Attacking Repertoire with 1.e4 by IM Robert Ris
Old masters would play this opening to develop their chess understanding. Young beginners are advised to start with this opening when they start their chess journeys.
Needless to say, this is the most popular chess opening of all time. It’s romantic. It’s aggressive. It’s tactical.
The 1.e4 opening is probably like the default opening we are used to playing, whether we are an amateur or a professional.
However, this opening is far from easy. Black has got a HUGE amount of responses to choose from… be it the popular Caro-Kann, the dubious French or the scary Sicilian!
To make it easy for you, IM Robert Ris brings to you his brand-new course Attacking Repertoire on 1.e4…
An 11-hour long video training on how to unleash the full potential of this dynamic opening like never before.
Robert Ris approaches opening study from an unusual yet instructive angle; instead of merely talking about theory, he dissects the position from both sides, so you can feel the plans and ideas, instead of memorizing lines.
Here’s what you are going to learn:
- 3…Nf6 in the King’s Gambit. Thinking of pushing the e-pawn to drive the Black knight away? It settles on h5. Believe it or not, driving that knight away can be extremely tough… and do it wrong, and you will end up devastated by Black. Learn how to play this as White.
- Millner-Barry improved. The biggest problem White faces in the advanced variation of the French Defense is the attack on the d4-pawn. What if you can just sacrifice it instead? And gain immense counterattack on Black? Learn how to make White regret taking that pawn with this unique gambit.
- 8…Bd4 in the Two Knights. In this Caro Kann variation, Black tries to neutralize White’s formation by threatening the c3-knight at first. Moving a piece twice in the opening…oops! It opens up a can of worms for Black. Let Robert show you how to exploit that.
- Why go Modern? When playing against the Modern Defense, the idea is to not even give Black the chance to “settle”—pushing the d, e, and f pawn up right away… and launching a kingside attack with two knights and a queen. Ideal? Perhaps not. Exciting? Heck yes!
- 6…Bh6 in the Carlsen Variation. This move can be somewhat annoying, especially if you castle long. The pin on the f-pawn against the queen cannot be shirked off easily. What to do in such a position? Check out Robert Ris’ analysis for this in Chapter 23.
If you are a 1.e4 player or want to learn how to play it against Black’s trickiest replies, this training is for you.
Chapter 1. Kings Gambit 3…Nf6
Chapter 2. Kings Gambit 3…g5 Muzio Gambit
Chapter 3. Kings Gambit 3…d6
Chapter 4. Kings Gambit 3…d5
Chapter 5. Kings Gambit Minor Options Move 3
Chapter 6. Kings Gambit 2…d5 3.exd5 e4
Chapter 7. Kings Gambit 2…Bc5
Chapter 8. French Milner Barry Gambit Main Line
Chapter 9. French Alternative Setups
Chapter 10. Caro-Kann Two Knights 3…dxe4 Main Line
Chapter 11. Caro-Kann Two Knights 3…dxe4 Alternatives Move 6
Chapter 12. Caro-Kann Two Knights 3…Nf6
Chapter 13. Caro-Kann Two Knights 3…Bg4
Chapter 14. Caro-Kann Two Knights Move 3 Alternatives
Chapter 15. Scandinavian 3…Qa5
Chapter 16. Scandinavian 3…Qd6
Chapter 17. Scandinavian 2…Nf6
Chapter 18. Pirc Austrian Attack 5…c5
Chapter 19. Austrian Attack 5…0-0
Chapter 20. Modern Defense
Chapter 21. Alekhine Four Pawns Attack
Chapter 22. Sicilian Carlsen Variation
Chapter 23. Sicilian Carlsen Variation 6…Bh6
Chapter 24. Sicilian 2.Nc3 e6, g6 & a6
Chapter 25. Sicilian 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4.Nf3 e6 5.0-0 a6 6.Bd3 without 6…Nc6
Chapter 26. Sicilian 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4.Nf3 e6 5.0-0 a6 6.Bd3 Nc6 & 4…a6
Chapter 27. Sicilian 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nd4 4.0-0 Nxb5
About the Author
IM Robert Ris [2464 FIDE]
Robert Ris is an International Master from the Netherlands. He learned to play chess at 7 and quickly became one of the top players in his country finishing 2nd in the under 10 Championship. Robert participated in 3 European Youth Championships (2x U14 & 1x U16) and many other prominent tournaments. Nowadays Robert is a full-time coach and a chess author.