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Play the Rossolimo - Top-Level Repertoire for White - Part 2 (2h and 30min Running Time) 

We are pleased to present the second and final part of the Rossolimo repertoire by GM Michael Roiz - Play the Rossolimo - Top-Level Repertoire for White - Part 2. In Part 1, GM Roiz covered the continuations 3...d6 and 3...g6. The current database deals with all the remaining options that Black has at his disposal. Note that this is a strategic repertoire for White. Hence, the understanding of the arising structures is far more important than the memorization of theoretical lines. As usual, besides all the novelties, you will find very rare and deep strategic concepts.


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Caro-Kann Defence - Complete Guide for Black - Part 2 (3h and 55min) 

We are thrilled to announce the release of the second part of our comprehensive project by GM Baadur Jobava and GM Pier Luigi Basso - Caro-Kann Defence - Complete Guide for Black - Part 2. In this 2-part series, both esteemed Caro-Kann experts provide a high-level, practical Caro-Kann repertoire for Black.
While Part 1 of the repertoire covered all of White's major deviations from the Advance Variation, Part 2 delves into the critical main lines after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5. This course aims to offer a fresh approach to the Caro-Kann, blending the solid, theoretical foundations taught by GM Pier Luigi Basso, who studied under the renowned GM Alexei Dreev, with the creative and dynamic flair of GM Baadur Jobava, who has played the Caro-Kann throughout his career.


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Play the Rossolimo - Top-Level Repertoire for White - Part 1 (2h and 43min Running Time) 

We are pleased to introduce the first course of a two-part project by GM Michael Roiz - the Rossolimo Variation against the Sicilian Defence. The starting position of the Rossolimo Variation arises after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5
This initial course deals with the continuations 3...d6 and 3...g6. The remaining moves will be covered in Part 2, which will be released soon.
The course consists of 18 theoretical chapters, 18 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (2h and 43min).


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My Queen's Gambit Declined - Part 2 (2h and 21min Running Time) 

After his highly successful My Queen's Gambit Declined - Part 1, GM Vaibhav Suri completes his repertoire based on Queen's Gambit Declined.
In this course, he provides a full repertoire against the Catalan, and also suggests the Ragozin Variation for Black.
The suggested lines have huge practical value. Whenever possible, GM Suri goes for less explored options that he checks very well with top-notch engines. Therefore, the suggested repertoire can be played at any level.


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Play the Open Sicilian - Part 3 (3h and 9min Video Running Time) 

We are happy to present the third and final part of Open Sicilian repertoire by IM Kushager Krishnater. This course will provide you with complete repertoire for White after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4
Additionally, IM Krishnater covers the so-called Rubinstein Variation arising after 2...Nf6. As usual, the author goes for less explored continuations in popular systems. Hence, in this course, you will find many new ideas and concepts. The suggested lines are examined with the best engines, and therefore this repertoire can pose practical problems to any opponent. When possible, IM Krishnated tries to provide a backup option. For instance, against the Sveshnikov Variation, he suggests two very interesting systems.


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Caro-Kann Defence - Complete Guide for Black - Part 1 (6h and 18min Running Time) 

We are happy to present another fascinating project by GM Baadur Jobava and GM Pier Luigi Basso - Caro-Kann Defence - Complete Guide for Black. In this 2-part series, both huge Caro-Kann experts will provide you with a high-level practical Caro-Kann repertoire for Black.
The first part of the repertoire includes all of White's major deviations from the Advance Variation. The later, as well as the extremely rare lines, will be examined in Part 2 of the series.


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Practical Calculation (3h and 30 min Running Time) 

We are excited to introduce the latest course by Grandmaster Renato Quintiliano, titled "Practical Calculation." Unlike traditional courses that focus on opening repertoires, this unique offering dives into the art and science of calculation in chess, a crucial skill for tournament players and enthusiasts alike.


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Play the Nimzo-Indian Defence - Top-Level Repertoire for Black (4h and 40min Running Time) 

We are pleased to present another high-quality course by GM Ivan Cheparinov - Play the Nimzo-Indian Defence - Top-Level Repertoire for Black.
You can hardly find a top-level player who does not play the Nimzo-Indian Defence. The fact that this fundamental opening can be played in so many different ways makes it suitable for players with different styles. True to his analytical approach, GM Ivan Cheparinov provides you with an ambitious repertoire. If you want to play for a win against 1.d4, this course is exactly for you! As always, you will find top-notch analysis rich in novelties and fresh concepts.


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1.b3 - Expert Repertoire for White - Part 2 (4h and 40min Running Time) 

After the highly successful 1.b3 - Expert Repertoire for White, we are happy to present the second and final part of the 1.b3 repertoire by GM Baadur Jobava and GM Pier Luigi Basso. In this part of the course, the authors deal mainly with 1...d5. Besides, you will find an in-depth analysis of the moves 1...a5, and 1...c5.
It's very important to point out that the current repertoire can be very useful for 1.Nf3 players as well. After studying the material, such players can answer 1...d5 either with 2.b3 or 2.e3.
The suggested repertoire is very suitable for creative players who like complex strategic positions. In many lines, the variety of possibilities for both sides is so big that one starts feeling again the joy of playing chess in the pre-computer era!


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Top-Level Repertoire against King's Indian and Grunfeld (3h and 10min Running Time) 

We are happy to announce that IM Krishnater has completed his 1.d4 repertoire with the course Top-Level Repertoire against King's Indian and Grunfeld.
Against both King's Indian Defence and Grunfeld Defence, Krishnater suggests two systems for White. In this way, the author provides you with a higher degree of flexibility. True to his analytical approach, Krishnater opts for early deviations from the mainstream theory that will likely take your opponent by surprise. That being said, his ideas are approved by the strongest engines.


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