Classical Sicilian - Expert Repertoire for Black
We are happy to introduce the newest opening project of GM Ivan Cheparinov - Classical Sicilian - Expert Repertoire for Black. The starting position of the current survey arises after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6
Classical Sicilian has always been one of the most respectable Sicilian lines. This is a perfect weapon for uncompromising players who are fighting for a win with Black.
In this database, GM Ivan Cheparinov provides a full repertoire for Black. You can find many important theoretical novelties in his extremely detailed analysis. After studying the material, you can play the Classical Sicilian at the top level. In order to justify his concepts, Cheparinov goes for in-depth lines. Note that one can easily get lost in all the high-level analyses.
Therefore, in order to make this course easier to understand, we suggest that you combine it with our Classical Sicilian Camp where you can find detailed explanations of all the positional and tactical ideas.
The database consists of 36 theoretical chapters, and a Video Version (Аpprox 15h Running Time).
Against most of the lines, Cheparinov provides more than one option for Black. Additionally, in some chapters, he examines lines that he does not recommend in order to show the potential problems. By studying all these alternative options, you will get a better feeling of the position.
When studying this course, don't try to memorize all the variations (unless you are a 2700+ player). Nevertheless, we strongly suggest that you take a closer look at all the lines. In this way, you will see a lot of recurring tactical and positional ideas.
We are convinced that by studying this course, you will greatly improve your general Sicilian understanding.
Video Lecture