Countering 1.d4 Gambits with GM Jacek Stopa (9 hours Video Running Time) 

Modern Chess Team     March 22, 2023


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Content  (17 Articles)

Introduction and Preview  Free
Chapter 1. Albin Counter-Gambit Introduction  Closed
Chapter 2. Albin Counter-Gambit Theory 1  Closed
Chapter 3. Albin Counter-Gambit Theory 2  Closed
Chapter 4. Albin Counter-Gambit Game 1  Closed
Chapter 5. Albin Counter-Gambit Game 2  Closed
Chapter 6. Budapest Gambit Introduction  Closed
Chapter 7. Budapest Gambit Theory 1  Closed
Chapter 8. Budapest Gambit Theory 2  Closed
Chapter 9. Budapest Gambit Game 1  Closed
Chapter 10. Budapest Gambit Game 2  Closed
Chapter 11. QGA Selected Lines Introduction  Closed
Chapter 12. QGA Selected Lines Theory 1  Closed
Chapter 13. QGA Selected Lines Theory 2  Closed
Chapter 14. QGA Selected Lines Game 1  Closed
Chapter 15. QGA Selected Lines Game 2  Closed
Extras  Closed

120.00 EUR

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Countering 1.d4 Gambits with GM Jacek Stopa

You are playing an important game and open with 1.d4.

You feel confident. You know your openings.

And then THIS happens.

Your opponent throws a Gambit at you.

You make ‘logical’ moves, but the position goes from bad to worse.

A few moves later, it’s all over.

It’s a terrible feeling.

How do I know? Well, I’ve been there.

Tens of thousands of players lose games to gambit play.

The good news is, you won’t be one of them.

Polish Grandmaster Jacek Stopa presents his brand-new course, Countering 1.d4 Gambits. GM Stopa reveals the most effective and lean ways for White to refute the 3 most dangerous gambits: Albin Counter-Gambit, Budapest Gambit, and Queen’s Gambit Accepted.

Here is some of what you’ll learn:

…and those are just a few things you’ll learn from this training!

If you are an ambitious player and want to bulletproof your opening preparation for White, this course is for you.

Playing those Gambits with Black? GM Stopa shares the most up-to-date analysis and top-performing plans & ideas for both sides!


Chapter 1. Albin Counter-Gambit Introduction
Chapter 2. Albin Counter-Gambit Theory 1
Chapter 3. Albin Counter-Gambit Theory 2
Chapter 4. Albin Counter-Gambit Game 1
Chapter 5. Albin Counter-Gambit Game 2
Chapter 6. Budapest Gambit Introduction
Chapter 7. Budapest Gambit Theory 1
Chapter 8. Budapest Gambit Theory 2
Chapter 9. Budapest Gambit Game 1
Chapter 10. Budapest Gambit Game 2
Chapter 11. QGA Selected Lines Introduction
Chapter 12. QGA Selected Lines Theory 1
Chapter 13. QGA Selected Lines Theory 2
Chapter 14. QGA Selected Lines Game 1
Chapter 15. QGA Selected Lines Game 2

About the Author:

GM Jacek Stopa [FIDE 2544]

is originally from Poland, started playing chess at the age of 8 after randomly buying a chess set on a winter vacation. His father taught him how to play and he soon became addicted. Jacek earned his International Master title at age 18 and was the European Team Chess Champion in Solving Chess Problems in 2008. He has developed into a very effective chess instructor over the last six years, helping many young chess players reach their maximum potential.