Czech Pirc with GM Misa Pap (3h Video Running Time) 

Modern Chess Team     August 5, 2022


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Content  (8 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Video Introduction  Closed
Chapter 1. f3  Closed
Chapter 2. g3  Closed
Chapter 3. a4  Closed
Chapter 4. Nf3  Closed
Chapter 5. e5 push  Closed
Chapter 6. Bd3  Closed

39.90 EUR

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Czech Pirc with GM Misa Pap

1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 c6…

The moment you play the 3…c6 move – you enter the realm of Czech Defense.


The c6/d6 setup gives unmatchable solidarity to Black’s position. You don’t have to commit to any particular structure yet. And do get creative with your pawn breaks and the queen.

What I love most about the Czech Pirc is that it transposes to the same tabiya, more or less.

Whether White starts with 1.e4 or 1.d4, it almost always gets to the above position nonetheless.

Cotton on the fundamental ideas of the opening. Add a few hours of practice. And you can execute it like a pro in your next game.

And to make it easier for you, I bring to you GM Misa Pap’s latest course, Czech Pirc.

A 3-hour-long video training on the most VITAL lines in the opening where Black can turn the table on White with killer plans, ingenious move sequences, and fatal tactical surprises.

What you will learn:


About The Author:

GM Misa Pap (FIDE 2521)

is a self-made Serbian Grandmaster. He is a winner of 16 international tournaments with 2600+ performances, former youth Champion of Yugoslavia, and 3-times Champion of Vojvodina. GM Pap is a regular participant of the European Chess League and has over 15 years of coaching experience. He is also a regular contributor to Chess Informant.