Endgame Crash Course with GM Krisztian Szabo (10 hours 10 mins Video Running Time) 

Modern Chess Team     August 31, 2022


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Content  (22 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Chapter 1. Pawn Endgame – Complex Endgame  Closed
Chapter 2. Complex Endgame – Opposite Colored Bishop Endgame  Closed
Chapter 3. Opposite Colored Bishop Endgame – Knight Endgame  Closed
Chapter 4. Bishop vs. Knight Endgame  Closed
Chapter 5. Rooks and Bishop Endgame – Knight vs. Rook  Closed
Chapter 6. Complex Endgame – Rook + Bishop vs. Rook + Knight  Closed
Chapter 7. Rook + Bishop vs. Rook – Complex Endgame  Closed
Chapter 8. Complex Endgame – Queen Endgame  Closed
Chapter 9. Queen vs. Rook – 2 Bishops vs. Bishop + Knight  Closed
Chapter 10. Complex Minor Piece Endgame  Closed
Chapter 11. Rook + Bishop vs. Rook + Bishop – 2 Bishops vs. 2 Knights  Closed
Chapter 12. Queen vs. 2 Bishops  Closed
Chapter 13. Same Colored Bishop Endgame Queen + Knight vs. Queen + Bishop Rook Endgame  Closed
Chapter 14. Rook + Pawn vs. Rook Endgames (part I)  Closed
Chapter 15. Rook + Pawn vs. Rook Endgames (part II)  Closed
Chapter 16. Rook + 4 Pawns vs. Rook + 3 pawns, Rook + 3 Pawns vs. Rook + 2 Pawns  Closed
Chapter 17. Rook Endgame with Pawns Rook + 2 Pawns vs. Knight + 3 Pawns  Closed
Chapter 18. Rook + Pawn vs. Bishop + Pawn Queen Endgame  Closed
Chapter 19. Queen vs. Rook + Pawn, Pawn Endgame & Complex Endgame  Closed
Chapter 20. Queen + Bishop, Rook Endgame, Knight Endgame & Rook vs. Bishop  Closed
Extras  Closed

129.00 EUR

Partner product:


Endgame Crash Course with GM Krisztian Szabo

As you climb up the rating ladder, you will see something new…

That one or two tactics are not winning you games anymore.

You group your pieces for an attack, and your opponent sees it from a mile away and defends against it. You regroup again, and your opponent defends against it again.

This goes on for a while. And you enter the phase where the game is actually WON.

The endgame… where you need to be precise and calculating like a machine!

To help you do that, GM Krisztian Szabo is here with his brand-new Endgame Crash Course – a 10+ hour-long video training aimed to up your endgame skills from losing one pawn after another on every move to seeing the “end” after 20+ moves.

What you get inside this training:

If you have been struggling with your endgames, this might be the right course for you.


Chapter 1. Pawn Endgame – Complex Endgame
Chapter 2. Complex Endgame – Opposite Colored Bishop Endgame
Chapter 3. Opposite Colored Bishop Endgame – Knight Endgame
Chapter 4. Bishop vs. Knight Endgame
Chapter 5. Rooks and Bishop Endgame – Knight vs. Rook
Chapter 6. Complex Endgame – Rook + Bishop vs. Rook + Knight
Chapter 7. Rook + Bishop vs. Rook – Complex Endgame
Chapter 8. Complex Endgame – Queen Endgame
Chapter 9. Queen vs. Rook – 2 Bishops vs. Bishop + Knight
Chapter 10. Complex Minor Piece Endgame
Chapter 11. Rook + Bishop vs. Rook + Bishop – 2 Bishops vs. 2 Knights
Chapter 12. Queen vs. 2 Bishops
Chapter 13. Same Colored Bishop Endgame Queen + Knight vs. Queen + Bishop Rook Endgame
Chapter 14. Rook + Pawn vs. Rook Endgames (part I)
Chapter 15. Rook + Pawn vs. Rook Endgames (part II)
Chapter 16. Rook + 4 Pawns vs. Rook + 3 pawns, Rook + 3 Pawns vs. Rook + 2 Pawns
Chapter 17. Rook Endgame with Pawns Rook + 2 Pawns vs. Knight + 3 Pawns
Chapter 18. Rook + Pawn vs. Bishop + Pawn Queen Endgame
Chapter 19. Queen vs. Rook + Pawn, Pawn Endgame & Complex Endgame
Chapter 20. Queen + Bishop, Rook Endgame, Knight Endgame & Rook vs. Bishop

About the author:

GM Krisztian Szabo [2564 FIDE]

is a Hungarian Grandmaster. He has won multiple Hungarian National Championships, European Youth Championship, and World Youth Championship (Silver) and has represented his country as part of the adult national team.

Krisztian is a celebrated coach, he is second of Richard Rapport, he was coaching Aryan Chopra (Grandmaster at 14) and many International Masters. He has also worked extensively with Peter Leko and Judit Polgar, having spent around 6 years with each of them.