Endgames with Andersson - Reti and Catalan Endings
GM Ulf Andersson and GM Grigor Grigorov
Preview by GM Grigor Grigorov
I'm thrilled to present our latest course, "Endgames with Andersson - Reti and Catalan Endings," developed in collaboration with the legendary GM Ulf Andersson. This course, featuring two insightful videos and a detailed PGN file, dives into 11 typical endgames played by Andersson, providing a unique glimpse into his endgame mastery.
Special thanks to Swedish GM Ferdinand Hellers, whose introduction to Ulf Andersson made this collaboration possible. Andersson, a leading Swedish chess player awarded the Grandmaster title in 1972, reached number four on the FIDE rating list and has an impressive record, including victories in major tournaments like Dortmund 1973, Buenos Aires 1978, and Wijk aan Zee 1983. Known for his solid positional play and expertise in endgames, Andersson's ability to win seemingly "unwinnable" endgames is legendary. His style is characterized by creating minor imbalances early and focusing on long-term positional improvements rather than immediate evaluation.
In this course, we explore three fundamental structures for Reti/Catalan players: Symmetrical Catalan Endgames, white pawn on c4 vs. black pawn on d6 with semi-open d and e-files, and Hedgehog structures. Before recording the videos, I refrained from using an engine, and Ulf was unaware of the chosen games. This approach allowed us to analyze the games organically, revealing Andersson's thought process in real-time.
What struck me during our collaboration was Andersson's endgame philosophy:
- He prioritizes safe positions over opening advantages, aiming for long-term playability.
- He creates minor imbalances early to maintain pressure and avoid easy draws.
- Andersson focuses on positional improvements rather than constant evaluation.
- His sense of harmony and precise calculations control the opponent's counterplay.
This course includes a PGN file with annotated examples from the videos, a bonus example, and my article on Typical Catalan Endgames, along with access to our Strategy Booster on the Catalan Opening.
I hope this course provides valuable insights and enhances your understanding of endgame mastery, inspired by one of the greatest endgame players, Ulf Andersson.
The model games are divided into the following categories:
Symmetrical Catalan Endings
The first five model games feature the symmetrical Catalan endgames. It goes without saying, that you can get this pawn structure out of different openings, including Reti and English Opening. Such positions are much more complicated as it might appear at the beginning. As you will see on the game section, even when the light-squared bishops have been exchanged, Black still faces practical problems. As Andersson points out on multiple occasions, Black's difficulties come from the move ...b7-b5 which weakens a complex of squares on the queenside. Had the pawn been on b7, Black wouldn't have faced any difficulties. In the model games, you will get a huge understanding of such positions. You will learn how to create imbalances and how to deal with different piece configurations.
c4 versus d6
The second thematic structure is the one featuring white pawn on c4 vs black pawn on d6. This structure is typical for many closed openings including Reti, King's Indian Defence, English Opening, Budapest Gambit, etc. Usually White enjoys a slight static advantage due to the space provided by the c4-pawn. If we stick to the theory of GM Dorfman, White's main advantage is the strong outpost on d5. According to Dorfman, sooner or later, such an outpost would force Black to accept a position with a backward pawn. For instance, if White establishes a knight on d5, Black cannot leave with it forever. He will either exchange it or chase it away with ...c7-c6. In both cases, there will be a backward pawn, respectively on c7 or d6. In his comments on the two model games about this structure, Andersson provides many instructive comments. For sure, his way of thinking will drastically improve your understanding of such positions.
The English Hedgehog
In the final section, we will see how Andersson fights against the English Hedgehog which arises after 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.g3 b6 4.Bg2 Bb7 5.Nc3 e6 6.0-0 Be7 7.d4 cxd4 8.Qxd4
Taking on d4 with the queen is Andersson's favourite line. In one of the games, we will explain under what circumstances he prefers to take with the knight. The section about Hedgehog structure includes five games. The first four of them have been covered in the video discussion while the last one is added as a bonus. I am sure that after studying all these games, you will get a subtle understanding from one of the biggest Hedgehog experts in chess history!
Bonus Lecture - Master the Catalan Endgames
In the end, I provide access to the PGN version of my article "Master the Catalan Endgames" from the camp "Catalan Opening - Pawn Structures, Tactical Ideas, Endgames, and Theoretical Trends". After studying it, you will get an even deeper understanding of the symmetrical Catalan endgames. This knowledge will also improve your general chess understanding.