Expert Repertoire against the Nimzo-Indian Defence - Part 1
The Nimzo-Indian Defence has always been considered as one of the most sound responses to 1.d4. Finding fresh ideas against this opening is a challenging task even for top-level theoreticians. Therefore, we are very happy to announce that GM Roiz managed to create a strategic repertoire based on the Rubinstein System - 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3
This project consists of 2 interrelated courses. The current database features Black's most popular option 4...0-0 while the second one will be dedicated to all other moves.
The database consists of 15 theoretical chapters, 15 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (3h Running Time).
The starting position of our repertoire arises after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd3
This is by far the most popular and flexible continuation. Depending on Black's reaction, White keeps the option of developing the knight on e2. Black's most popular response is 5...d5. At the beginning of the database, however, Roiz starts examining some less frequent options.
Chapter 1 is dedicated to Black's sidelines on move 5. In this chapter, you will see moves such as 5...b6, 5...d6, 5...Bxc3, and 5...Nc6. It goes without saying that White keeps better chances against all these moves.
Chapter 2 features the move 5...Re8.
This somewhat aritificial continuation is actually based on healthy positional idea: Black vacates the f8-square for his bishop and makes the traditional exchange on d5 less attractive for White: Black's rook will be well-placed on the semi-open file. Roiz proves that White's setup based on Nge2 followed by 0-0 is enough for a small edge.
The critical position of Chapter 3 is being reached after 5...c5 6.a3 cxd4 7.axb4 dxc3
In the analysis to this chapter, you will witness why 8.Ne2 provides White with a very strong initiative.
The structure arising after 5...c5 6.a3 Bxc3 7.bxc3 d6 is examined in Chapter 4.
Black declares his intention to block opponent's e-pawn and close the game. The suggestion of Roiz is 8.Ne2. The knight is heading to the favourable g3-square. It's important that in the arising structures the advance f2-f4 is often very annoying for Black.
The following two chapters are dedicated to the position arising after 5...c5 6.a3 Bxc3 7.bxc3 Nc6 8.Rb1
This somewhat mysterious move has gained popularity in the last 2 years. The main point of it is eyeing the b7-pawn and searching for a comfortable moment to play e3-e4.
The setup based on ...d7-d6 followed by ...e6-e5 is examined in Chapter 5, while Chapter 6 features the more ambitious and popular 8...b6. In both cases, Roiz finds interesting ways of creating practical problems for Black.
From the next chapter, the author starts examining the move 5...d5.
In this case, our repertoire will be based on the immediate 6.cxd5 to which Black responds with 6...exd5. The alternative recaptures are examined in Chapter 7.
Chapter 8 provides in-depth analysis of the following important tabiya - 5...d5 6.cxd5 exd5 7.a3 Bxc3 8.bxc3 c5
This important position might be reached with different move orders. For instance, White can start with 4.a3 or 4.e3 0-0 5.a3, and then Black captures on c3 and plays ...d7-d5 and ...c7-c5.
As usual, we will start with 9.Ne2 planning to proceed with f2-f3 in the future. The arising positions might be strategically dangerous for Black.
Chapter 9 deals with 5...d5 6.cxd5 exd5 7.a3 Be7
A relatively rare move. At the same time, it has to be mentioned that the current position is often reached with 6.a3 Be7 7.cxd5 exd5. Again, our choice is 8.Nge2. Like in most of the cases, White chooses to leave the f2-pawn unblocked for further actions on the kingside. The subsequent analysis shows that White might rely on a slight edge in the arising positions.
The remaining chapters of the database are dedicated to the position arising after 5...d5 6.cxd5 exd5 7.a3 Bd6 8.Qc2
An accurate move. White not only threatens to exchange the powerful bishop of opponent with 9.Nb5, but also diminshes the effect of ...c7-c5 because it will make the bishop on c5 vulnerable.
At this point, Black's main continuation is 8...c6. The main alternatives are examined in Chapter 10. That said, the most interesting alternatives 8...a6 and 8...Na6 are left for the final two chapters of the database.
The most common line goes 8.Qc2 c6 9.Nge2 Re8 10.Bd2
White's setup is very flexible. After castling, he can combine his central strategy based on f2-f3 and e3-e4 with a queenside play initiated by b2-b4.
This important tabiya is extensively analyzed in Chapters 11-13. Analysis shows, that White has the potential of creating practical problems for his opponent.
Chapter 14 is dedicated to the move 8...a6
A flexible conitnuation. Black covers the square b5 and keeps the option of playing ...c7-c5 at some point later. In this line, White's best bet on keeping a slight edge is 9.Nge2 followed by 0-0 and b2-b4.
The final Chapter 15 features 8...Na6.
This unusual idea was tested in a few top-level games, incluing Ding Liren - Radjabov, where the reigning world Champion was defeated in style. Black shows his intention to open the game with ...c7-c5. At this point, the suggestion of Roiz is 9.Nf3.
In most cases, White places his knight on e2 in order to keep the possibility of building a strong pawn centre with f2-f3 and e3-e4. However, this time White keeps the e2 square vacant for his bishop in view of ...c7-c5-c4. As concrete analysis shows, White retains decent chances for a slight edge.