Expert Repertoire against the Slav Defence - Part 2
This database concludes the repertoire of Michael Roiz against the Slav Defence. Once again, the starting position of the repertoire arises after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3
While the previous database was featuring 4...Bf5 and 4...Bg4, and 4...dxc4, in this survey, GM Roiz focuses on the equally topical 4...g6, and 4...e6. Additionally, he covers the Chebanenko approach based on 4...a6.
True to his analytical approach, GM Roiz suggests fresh and relatively unexplored concepts against almost all the critical lines. At the same time, all his suggestions are based on a solid positional foundation. The current database will be very useful also for Catalan players and people who play the Fianchetto System against King's Indian and Gruenfeld.
The database consists of 13 theoretical chapters, 12 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and Video Version (2.5h Running Time).
The database starts with a coverage of the move 4...a6.
The first important branching point arises after 5.Bg2 b5 6.b3
In comparison to the Chebanenko, White's knight is still on b1, and it makes the early ...b5-b4 less attractive for Black. Roiz proves that White can claim a slight edge in this line.
A very important direction in this survey is the line 4...g6 5.Bg2 Bg7 6.0-0 0-0 7.a4
The move 7.a4 is a fresh idea in the position that has been already tried by a bunch of very strong players. For the time being, White wants to again space on the queenside. One of the key positional ideas is that after the advance ...a7-a5, the transition into a symmetrical structure with cxd5 is favourable for White. The reason is that White can quickly make use of the vulnerable b5-square.
This line is covered in Chapters 2-6. According to Roiz, in all the lines, White can pose at least practical problems.
Obviously, another important line is 4...g6 5.Bg2 Bg7 6.0-0 dxc4
At this point, the suggestion of Roiz is 7.a4, planning to regain the pawn by means of Na3. In general, if White manages to regain the pawn, he will be slightly better in view of the superior central control. Even if Black manages to keep the pawn, however, White can develop a powerful initiative in the centre.
This line is dealt with in Chapters 6-7.
The remaining part of the database (Chapters 8-13) is dedicated to the Catalan Opening arising after 4...e6 5.Bg2
At this point, Michael Roiz examines several continuations - 5...dxc4 followed by ...Nbd7, 5...Bb4+, 5...Bd6, and 5...Be7.
By studying these chapters, besides learning concrete theory, you will get familiar with a number of powerful Catalan concepts. According to the analysis of GM Roiz, White can fight at least for a slight edge in all the branches of the system with 4...e6.
Video Introduction