Fire and Tactics: The Ultimate Anti-Sicilian and Accelerated Dragon Experience
The camp of GM Arnaudov, Fire and Tactics: The Ultimate Anti-Sicilian and Accelerated Dragon Experience, is already a digital product.
This product includes all the videos from the workshop and the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of 7.5 hours of video and a PGN database, which includes 35 theoretical analyses, 200 model games (without comments), and 13 chapters from the database of GM Lorenzini and GM Salvador Alonso
You will find the following lectures:
✅ 1.e4 c5 - Rare Second Moves for White and Alapin Variation - Repertoire for Black
✅ 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 - Repertoire for Black
✅ Rossolimo Variation -Repertoire for Black
✅ Accelerated Dragon - Deviations from the Main Line
✅ Accelerated Dragon - Main Line
Now, we shall take a look at the different lectures
Preview by GM Petar Arnaudov
1.e4 c5 - Rare Second Moves for White and Alapin Variation - Repertoire for Black
The starting position of this lecture arises after the moves 1.e4 c5
In the first lecture, we will check White's deviation on the second move. Everything else besides the main moves, 2.Nf3 and 2.Nc3,
1.е4 c5 and then 2.b3 Nc6!, 2.g3 d5! 3.b4 cxb4 4.a3 b3!, 2.f4 d5, 2.Be2 Nc6 3.f4 d5, and others.
The most serious move that we will discuss in this Chapter is 2.c3 - The Alapin Variation. Against it I suggest the so-called "Two Knights" variation, which has become very popular nowadays, and I can't find any problems for Black.
1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 - Repertoire for Black
This lecture will discuss the position after 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6
The Closed Sicilian is one of the most serious weapons against 1...c5. White often doesn't want to go into heavy theoretical battles in the Open Sicilian and chooses the tricky 2.Nc3. Black should be careful with the move order, depending on the open Sicilian he wants to play. For example, players who want to play Najdorf or Dragon can't opt for 2...Nc6, because White can continue with 3.Nge2 followed by 4.d4 and trick them. For our purposes (entering the Accelerated Dragon), the move 2...Nc6 is perfectly playable and clearly the best one.
Here I analyzed three moves: 3.Bb5, 3.g3, 3.f4
I am especially satisfied by my discovery against 3.f4. The Grand Prix Attack has always been unpleasant for me, and now I am confident to face it
Rossolimo Variation -Repertoire for Black
This was the hardest part of the workshop for me. The arising positions here are so complex that it is tough to go deep into them. Still, I think I did a great job, and by studying the analyses and the model games, you will be ready to face Rossolimo. One piece of advice for everyone who will play this line. Study very carefully all Boris Gelfand's games.
Accelerated Dragon - Deviations from the Main Line
In this lecture, we will discuss all possible deviations from the main line. I think that they are not very critical, but still deserve serious attention.
White can choose between 6.Nge2, 6.Nb3, 6.Nxc6 or 6.Be3 Nf6 followed by 7.Nxc6, 7.Be2, 7.f4, 7.f3 etc...
Accelerated Dragon - Main Line
This is the real crossroad of the line. Black has many options here. I will analyze them one by one and leave it to you to choose which line suits you best. Personally, I prefer 8...Re8, but 8...a5 and 8...d6 looks very interesting and playable as well