Improve Your Decision Making with GM Davorin Kuljasevic (Video Database - 10 hours running time) 

GM Davorin Kuljasevic     March 31, 2021


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Content  (22 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Chаpter 1 – Introduction and Piece Exchanges  Closed
Chаpter 2 – Piece Exchanges II  Closed
Chаpter 3 – Piece Exchanges III  Closed
Chаpter 4 – Avoiding Simplification I  Closed
Chаpter 5 – Avoiding Simplification II  Closed
Chаpter 6 – Strategic Pawn Structure Decisions I  Closed
Chаpter 7 – Strategic Pawn Structure Decisions II  Closed
Chаpter 8 – Strategic Center Decision I  Closed
Chаpter 9 – Strategic Center Decision II  Closed
Chаpter 10 – Positional Transformations I  Closed
Chаpter 11 – Positional Transformations II  Closed
Chаpter 12 – Piece Deployment I  Closed
Chаpter 13 – Piece Deployment II  Closed
Chаpter 14 – Awareness of Opponent’s Resources I  Closed
Chаpter 15 – Awareness of Opponent’s Resources II  Closed
Chаpter 16 – Awareness of Opponent’s Resources III  Closed
Chаpter 17 – Critical Moment I  Closed
Chаpter 18 – Critical Moment II  Closed
Chаpter 19 – Endgame Technique I  Closed
Chаpter 20 – Endgame Technique II  Closed
Chapter 21 - Extras  Closed

85.00 EUR

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Improve Your Decision Making with GM Davorin Kuljasevic


“All that matters on the chessboard is good moves” – Bobby Fischer.

Well, yeah. We can all agree with that. But how do you find good moves?

There’s great pressure on a chess player. The clock’s ticking, people are counting on you. You look at the board, your pieces, the enemy forces… and you have to come up with something.

What now?

One mistake could lose you the game on the spot. Or have you struggling to defend a passive position for the next 50 moves.

Success or failure, death, or glory… it all rests on the decision you make now. Better make it a good one.

Exactly What You’re Getting

Croatian coach GM Davorin Kuljasevic (2591 Elo) has completed Improve Your Decision Making – a 10-hour course laser-focused on the crucial topic of decision-making.

Drawing on years of experience coaching club players rated between 1600 and 2200, Davorin has identified the 9 types of decisions that players have to make in real games.

He explains the errors in thinking that lead to mistakes at these critical junctures… and gives you easy-to-follow processes for getting them right.

What does the course cover?

Imagine the difference it would make to your game if every time you were faced with a piece trade, every time you had to decide whether to attack, every time you had to make a strategic decision… you got it right.

This is a unique training program that teaches you how to play better chess by making better decisions.

Free Preview