Lifetime Middlegame Ideas with GM Miloje Ratkovic
We’ve just dropped a new course with one of the most sought-after chess coaches on the scene…
Grandmaster Miloje Ratkovic isn’t one of those pampered Super GMs who don’t play in opens… don’t need to win tournaments to pay the bills… get’s huge appearance fees…
No, not at all.
He’s an “in-the-trenches” GM who plays regularly in strong open tournaments where there is no safety net and huge competition for first prize.
But what can he teach you? Can he help you improve your chess?
His brand new course Lifetime Middlegame Ideas distils the best methods from all of his study and tournament experience and squeezes them into a single course.
All of the most powerful, game-winning middlegame ideas he has ever discovered are revealed in 7 hours of HD video lessons.
When and why to make piece trades (bishop for knight, queens, etc)? Check.
How to make master-level positional sacrifices? Check.
How to make powerful pawn breaks that make space for your pieces? No doubt!
And there are tons more where that came from!
If you’re ready to add some much-needed rocket fuel to your middlegame skills, this is the one for you…
This course comprises all of the video lessons, detailed PGN files sorted by theme, and the online practicum.
Here is what you’ll learn:
- Trade Pieces with the Judgement of a Master! Club players trade pieces at seemingly random times. This has to end for you!
- Away Your Wins! In Chapter 18 you’ll learn how to nurse your winning advantages and prevent your sneaky opponent’s counterplay completely! No more falling for cheap swindles in winning positions!
- Brutally Dominate the Key Squares! Top players often win games by dominating squares that have big strategic importance.
This course contains middlegame knowledge most club players lack… Grab it and CRUSH ’em at your next event!
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Material Imbalance (Positional Sacrifice)
Chapter 3. Middlegame Plans Counterplay
Chapter 4. Thinking out of the box (Dynamic positions)
Chapter 5. Thinking out of the box (Bishop)
Chapter 6. Thinking out of the box (Change Move Order)
Chapter 7. Pawn Breaks
Chapter 8. Prophylaxis I
Chapter 9. Prophylaxis II
Chapter 10. Finding Defending Resources I
Chapter 11. Finding Defending Resources II
Chapter 12. Finding Defending Resources III
Chapter 13. Important Squares I
Chapter 14. Important Squares II
Chapter 15. Important Squares III
Chapter 16. Good and Bad Trades I
Chapter 17. Good and Bad Trades II
Chapter 18. Counter-play I
Chapter 19. Counter-play II
About the Author:
GM Miloje Ratkovic [2499 FIDE]
is a Serbian Grandmaster with a FIDE of 2499. He has obtained the title of GM in 2021. Miloje has won many National and International events. He is a professional player, chess coach, and Twitch streamer. GM Ratkovic is also a huge fan of online blitz with Elo 2785.