London System - Pawn Structures, Tactical Ideas, Endgames, and Theoretical Trends (Systems with ...e7-e6) 

March 1, 2021


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Content  (78 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Modern Theoretical Trends - Video Lecture  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 b6 4.Qf3  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 b6 4.Qf3  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 c5 Followed by 4...Qb6  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Nf3 c5 - 5...Bd6 & 5...Qb6  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Nf3 c5 - 5...Bd6 & 5...Qb6  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - Plans with ...Nh5  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - Plans with ...b7-b6  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 Nf6 3.e3 e6 4.Nf3 Bd6 5.Ne5  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Video Lecture  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 1  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 2  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 3  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 4  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 5  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 6  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 7  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Model Game 8  Closed
Master the London Endgames - Test Positions  Closed
Test 1 - Solution  Closed
Test 2 - Solution  Closed
Test 3 - Solution  Closed
Test 4 - Solution  Closed
Test 5 - Solution  Closed
Test 6 - Solution  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Video Lecture  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 1  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 2  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 3  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 4  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 5  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 6  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 7  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 8  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 9  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 10  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 11  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 12  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 13  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 14  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 15  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 16  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Model Game 17  Closed
Typical Pawn Structures - Test Positions  Closed
Test Position 1 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 2 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 3 - Solution  Closed
Test Positon 4 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 5 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 6 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 7 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 8 - Solution  Closed
My Experience in London System - Video Lecture  Closed
My Experience in London System - Model Game 1  Closed
My Experience in London System - Model Game 2  Closed
My Experience in London System - Model Game 3  Closed
My Experience in London System - Model Game 4  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Video Lecture  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 1  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 2  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 3  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 4  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 5  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 6  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 7  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 8  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 9  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 10  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 11  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Model Game 12  Closed
Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - Test Positions  Closed
Test Position 1 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 2 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 3 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 4 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 5 - Solution  Closed
Q&A Session  Closed

69.00 EUR

London System - Pawn Structures, Tactical Ideas, Endgames, and Theoretical Trends (Setups with ...e7-e6).

Introduction and Free Preview

The first London camp is already a digital product. This product includes all the videos from the camp as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of approximately 7.5 hours of video and a PGN database which includes 85 files!

You will find the following lectures:

Modern Theoretical Trends - GM Pavel Eljanov

Master the London Endgames - GM Davorin Kuljasevic

Typical Pawn Structures - GM Grigor Grigorov

My Experience in the London System - GM Boris Gelfand

Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - GM Petar Arnaudov

Q&A Session with GM Grigor Grigorov and GM Petar Arnaudov

In this article, we will briefly present some interesting moments taken from the lectures.

Modern Theoretical Trends - GM Pavel Eljanov

In this lecture, GM Eljanov delves into the most topical theoretical developments in the London System. Besides providing the current state of theory, in many variations, Eljanov suggests strong novelties.

The lecture is divided into 6 parts:

1) The line 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 b6 4.Qf3

2) 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 c5 Followed by 4...Qb6

3) 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Nf3 c5 - 5...Bd6 & 5...Qb6

4) Plans with ...Nh5

5) Plans with ...b7-b6

6) The Fashionable 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 Nf6 3.e3 e6 4.Nf3 Bd6 5.Ne5

Below, you shall take a look at one of the chapters:


Master the London Endgames - GM Davorin Kuljasevic

In order to master a given opening, you should know how to handle the arising endgames. In this lecture, GM Davorin Kuljasevic deals with the most important London Endgames. 

In the introduction to the PGN version of the lecture, Kuljasevic writes:

In this lecture, we will discuss:

1. Typical endgame structures from various branches of the London System

2. Endgames from theoretical opening variations in the London system (with early queen exchange) White typically does not want to trade queens because of: 1. losing attacking potential 2. no typical space advantage for White – Black usually have a comfortable endgame Typical features of the London system endgames: 1. Long pawn chains (on both sides) and closed centre 2. Importance of pawn play and pawn breaks (piece play is less crucial)

The PGN version of the lecture includes 8 extensively annotated model games and 6 test positions.

Below, you shall take a look at one of the model games.

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Typical Pawn Structures - GM Grigor Grigorov

The knowledge of the typical pawn structures is the cornerstone of mastering a given opening. In this lecture, GM Grigor Grigorov has an ambitious task - covering the most important structures in the setups with ...e7-e6.

He introduces the subject in the following way:

We can often see people saying that the London System is a boring setup that has nothing to do with the classical openings. Some of them go even further by stating that playing the London is the lazy man's approach to the opening. Nevertheless, when you start examining the arising positions, you will see many structures which are typical for classical openings. For example, we have Stonewall structure, Slav structure, Caro-Kann structure, French type of positions, etc. Therefore, in order to be a good London player, one should have a classical chess education. In this line of thoughts, we can understand why recently this opening is getting so popular at the top level. London gives you the chance to play positionally justified chess and nevertheless show creativity in relatively less explored positions. In our computer-driven times, finding such systems is far from easy. When covering the variety of the London structures, I was forced to prioritize certain aspects among others. I have tried to show the most characteristic London structures while at the same time following the historical development of the ideas. I hope that you will enjoy my work! First of all, I start with 2 examples that show what White wants to achieve in London.

The PGN version of the lecture consists of 17 model games and 8 test positions.

Below, we provide one of the model games.


My Experience in the London System - GM Boris Gelfand

We are happy that the legend Boris Gelfand honoured our camp and shared his experience in the London System. The lecture is based on the games of Gelfand. In all the games, he is playing with Black. Therefore, if you struggle against London as Black, this lecture is just for you. For example, the annotations to the game Nabaty - Gelfand, 2019, provide an almost complete Black repertoire after 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 e6 3.e3 c5 4.Nf3 cxd4 5.exd4 b6.

The other games feature the system with early ...d7-d5 followed by ...c7-c5. Besides explaining the opening subtleties, Gelfand shares valuable insights that will help you better feel the arising middlegame positions.

Below, you can try to solve a position from the lecture:


What is Black's best plan in this position?

The lecture consists of 4 extensively annotated model games.

Typical Attacking and Tactical Ideas - GM Petar Arnaudov

In the last lecture from the camp, GM Arnaudov examines all the important tactical ideas in the setups with ...e7-e6. Since tactics are based on strategy, GM Arnaudov explains some important positional ideas as well.

The article consists of 12 model games and 5 test positions.

Below, you shall take a look at one of the model games.