Mastering Positional Sacrifice with IM Boroljub Zlatanovic (Video Database - 10+ hours running time) 

Modern Chess Team     February 27, 2022


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Content  (28 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Video Introduction  Closed
Chapter 1. Topalov’s Positional Sacrifice  Closed
Chapter 2. Paralyzing Opponent  Closed
Chapter 3. Dominating on the Light Squares  Closed
Chapter 4. Bishop Invasion  Closed
Chapter 5. Good Bishop  Closed
Chapter 6. Exchange Sacrifice to Simplify and Win  Closed
Chapter 7. Liberating Pawn Flank  Closed
Chapter 8. Dark Squares Play  Closed
Chapter 9. Multiple Sacrifices to Win the Ending  Closed
Chapter 10. Stopping Opponent’s Development  Closed
Chapter 11. Activating Bishop  Closed
Chapter 12. Launching a Winning Attack  Closed
Chapter 13. Creating an Outpost for the Knight  Closed
Chapter 14. Blockade  Closed
Chapter 15. Blockade and Attack  Closed
Chapter 16. Bishop Pair  Closed
Chapter 17. Central Pawns Flank  Closed
Chapter 18. Destroying Opponent’s Defense  Closed
Chapter 19. Central Pawns Structure  Closed
Chapter 20. Clearing Diagonals and Launching an Attack  Closed
Chapter 21. Seirawan Unexpectedly Sacrifices Piece to Keep Advanced Passed Pawn  Closed
Chapter 22. Kasparov Confuses Kramnik Sacrificing Queen for two Pieces  Closed
Chapter 23. Delchev Sacrifices Queen to Lock Opponent Army  Closed
Chapter 24. Vykouk Sacrifices Queen to Simplify and force Realization  Closed
Chapter 25. Karthikeyan Demolishes Firouzja Sacrificing Queen on Move 9  Closed
Extras  Closed

115.00 EUR

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Mastering Positional Sacrifice with IM Boroljub Zlatanovic


There are two types of chess sacrifices.

The first one involves a forced sequence of moves with instant benefits. Winning material, forking the Queen and a Rook, or delivering a checkmate are a few examples.

The second type is rarely seen at club-level games. It is far more common at Grandmasters’ chess.

Positional sacrifice involves deep positional understanding for obtaining a long-term advantage.

IM Boroljub Zlatanovic is a world-class expert on positional sacrifices and a renowned chess coach. He believes that without a proper understanding of the positional sacrifice it is next to impossible to reach the 2200 level.

That’s why he recorded this 10-hour training revealing how to make positional sacrifice a powerful weapon at the club level.

You don’t need Karpov-like positional understanding, the ingenuity of Tigran Petrosian or photographic memory, and the IQ of Magnus Carlsen.

With this course you’ll be able to add positional sacrifice into your chess toolbox, improving your all-around game in the process and winning a lot of games in style!

Here’s what you are going to learn:

And these are just 5 practical examples of how positional sacrifice will help you win more games!

IM Zlatanovic gives you a complete breakdown of positional play with positional sacrifice and coaches you on getting the advantage in imbalanced positions.

Your rivals will have no idea what’s happening on the board until it’s simply too late. This will result in many unexpected victories against even much stronger opponents.


Chapter 1. Topalov’s Positional Sacrifice

Chapter 2. Paralyzing Opponent

Chapter 3. Dominating on the Light Squares

Chapter 4. Bishop Invasion

Chapter 5. Good Bishop

Chapter 6. Exchange Sacrifice to Simplify and Win

Chapter 7. Liberating Pawn Flank

Chapter 8. Dark Squares Play

Chapter 9. Multiple Sacrifices to Win the Ending

Chapter 10. Stopping Opponent’s Development

Chapter 11. Activating Bishop

Chapter 12. Launching a Winning Attack

Chapter 13. Creating an Outpost for the Knight

Chapter 14. Blockade

Chapter 15. Blockade and Attack

Chapter 16. Bishop Pair

Chapter 17. Central Pawns Flank

Chapter 18. Destroying Opponent’s Defense

Chapter 19. Central Pawns Structure

Chapter 20. Clearing Diagonals and Launching an Attack

About the Author

IM Boroljub Zlatanovic [2438 FIDE]

Boroljub Zlatanovic is an International Master and a professional chess coach from Serbia. Boroljub has been coaching chess for over 15 years and his students showed outstanding results in the Youth and Junior Championships. Whether you want to improve your endgame (basic, typical, complex), middlegame (global strategy, tactics, and typical positions) or to expand and deepen the opening repertoire, you are at the right place!