Middlegame Mastery with GM Davorin Kuljasevic (Video Database - 9 hours running time) 

GM Davorin Kuljasevic     March 8, 2021


Video Content

Content  (16 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Introduction to Middlegame Mastery  Closed
Central Pawn Structures Overview  Closed
Open Center I  Closed
Open Center II  Closed
Closed Center I  Closed
Closed Center II  Closed
Fixed Center I  Closed
Fixed Center II  Closed
Semi-fixed Center I  Closed
Semi-fixed Center II  Closed
Semi-fixed Center III  Closed
Mobile Center I  Closed
Mobile Center II  Closed
Flexible Center  Closed
Extras  Closed

85.00 EUR

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Middlegame Mastery by GM Davorin Kuljasevic - 9 hours running time

Middlegame, no doubt, is the KEY part of chess because the majority of the games are won or lost on this territory. Perfecting your middlegame would definitely lead to much better RESULTS regardless of the level you’re on.

But, There Is Just One Problem…

How do you actually improve your middlegame?

Sure you can read tons of books or watch dozens of videos followed by playing zillions of practice games, losing a bunch in the process… That would take you months if not years to complete. And …would that actually give you the results you’re after?

Probably not, and chances are you’ve already tried that. With that said, let me jump right in and show you…

Exactly What You’re Getting

First of all, this course isn’t like any other Middlegame course you’ve seen. There is no fuss or filler – just battle-tested techniques that are WORKING on the very top level.

And thanks to GM Kuljasevic’s structured approach it is very easy to digest and use.

Instead of focusing on the regular things like “opposite side castling” and “outposts” GM Kuljasevic explains the middlegames through the prism of central pawn structures. It helps immensely to have a solid knowledge of typical central pawn structures to successfully navigate through complex opening and middlegame positions.

Knowledge of the central pawn structures is similar to the opening repertoire. If you are facing an unfamiliar structure you may be in trouble. That’s why it is important to have it all in your chess toolkit!

The Masterclass…

In this 9-hour Middlegame Mastery, GM Kuljasevic goes over all the typical central pawn structures [around 30 types] to make sure you get the most up to date, reliable insight on how to treat each and every one of those positions. And of course, you get all of his “insider” tips, plans, strategies, techniques and Grandmaster’s secrets revealed and available at your fingertips.

What it will do for your game?

Are you ready to take your middlegame to the Master’s territory and beyond? Let’s get started!

What’s Included?

Middlegame Mastery with GM Kuljasevic – video course [9 hours]

In this 9-hour Middlegame Mastery, GM Kuljasevic goes over all the typical central pawn structures to make sure you get the most up to date, reliable insight on how to treat each and every one of those positions. And of course, you get all of his “insider” tips, plans, strategies, techniques and Grandmaster’s secrets revealed and available at your fingertips.

Complete set of PGNs

Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must-have treasure chest for any serious player.

Access to Practicum

Train the important grandmaster’s thinking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. The practical part is an important element of the course.

Summary of the course [PDF]

Summary of the key points covered in each of the course’s 13 lessons for quick reference and reviewing. Use it as a quick refresher after studying the course or print it and pin it on the wall.

Center Pawn Structures Cheat Sheet [PDF]

The cheat sheet covering the 5 most important pawn structures with Kotov’s analysis. You will know what plans work best in each of those positions – use it for a quick reference, or as a refresher before an important game. Ideas are provided for both sides: attacker and defender.


About the Author:

GM Davorin Kuljasevic (FIDE 2591)

GM Davorin Kuljasevic is a Croatian GM, who graduated from Texas Tech University and played in USCL 2007 and 2008 for Dallas Destiny, becoming US champion both years. He is an experienced coach and a winner of many tournaments: Castelfranco Veneto 2014, Split Open 2013, Mitropa Cup 2013 with the team of Croatia, Lubbock Spice Cup Spring 2011, Rijeka Open 2011, etc.