Dear chess friends, In Issue 6 of Modern Chess Magazine, we provide you with the following articles:
Late Benoni Against 1.d4
GM Boris Chatalbashev
In Issue 6, we continue our journey along the subtleties of the Late Benoni. After presenting the main line in his previous article, now GM Chatalbashev deals with the possible transpositions to KID and Modern Benoni.Just like in his first article about Late Benoni, GM Chatalbashev continues to explore the opening from a practical point of view. That is the reason why you will be able to successfully apply your knowledge immediately after reading his articles.
Methods Of Playing In Positions With Hanging Pawns
GM Grigor Grigorov
In his previous article on that topic, GM Grigor Grigorov has examined all the basic ideas we can use in our fight against hanging pawns. In the present material, he looks at this structure from a different angle. This time, GM Grigorov deals with the possible ways of playing with hanging pawns.The fact that every single idea is explained in great detail makes the article extremely useful not only for experts but also for every club player who wants to improve his positional play.
Sicilian Structures - Part 1
GM Viktor Gavrikov
In chess, there are is no opening which is as popular, complex and rich as the Sicilian defence. Due to the endless amount of possibilities for both sides, a lot of players face difficulties when preparing this opening. According to the Russian Chess School, before starting to explore a given opening, we should first learn to handle the arising pawn structures. While lines and sub-lines change over time, pawn structures remain stable.The author of the present article GM Viktor Gavrikov is convinced that this structural approach to the opening is the only possible way to study the Sicilian defence.In his first article, he examines one of the most popular Sicilian structures which occurs in variations where, at some point, Black plays the move e7-e5. More precisely, GM Gavrikov focuses on the structure arising after the exchange on "d5" where this square is occupied by a white pawn.After reading the present article, you will have a better understanding on a number of Sicilian lines.
Fight The Evans In A Modern Way
GM Vladimir Georgiev

Enjoy reading!