Content  (7 Articles)

Introduction And Free Preview  Free
Introduction And Free Preview  Closed
Modern Chess Team
Methods of Playing in Positions with Carlsbad Structure - Part 1  Closed
GM Grigor Grigorov
Master the Grunfeld Structures - Part 5  Closed
GM Mihail Marin
The Art of Analysis  Closed
GM John van der Wiel
Crisis Along The Big Diagonal  Closed
GM Nikolai Ninov
Endgame Series 14  Closed
GM Davorin Kuljasevic

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Dear chess friends,

In Issue 14 of Modern Chess Magazine, we provide you with the following articles:



Methods of Playing in Positions with Carlsbad Structure - Part 1



In this issue GM Grigorov starts dealing with one of the most popular and important structure - Carlsbad. 


He will explan you all ideas and plans for both sides in this structure, divided to 4 separate articles.

In the current one the author deals with White's plan to play on the queenside or so-called Minority attack and Black's ideas to fight against this plan. 

Here is what GM Grigorov has to say about his first survey