In the current issue of Modern Chess Magazine, we provide you with the following articles: Modern Approach to the Prophylactic Thinking (GM Daniel Naroditsky), Master the Hedgehog Structure (IM Renier Castellanos), Knight Sacrifice on "d5" in Hedgehog Type of Positions (GM Nikolai Ninov), Endgame Series - Part 15 (GM Davorin Kuljasevic), and Master the Grunfeld Structures - Restrained Center (GM Mihail Marin)
In the current issue of Modern Chess Magazine, we provide you with the following articles: Methods of Playing in Positions with Carlsbad Structure - Part 1 (GM Grigor Grigorov), Master the Grunfeld Structure - Part 5 (GM Mihail Marin), The Art of Analysis (GM John van der Wiel), Crisis Along the Big Diagonal (GM Nikolay Ninov), Endgame Series - Part 14 (GM Davorin Kuljasevic
In the current issue of Modern Chess Magazine, we provide you with the following articles: Methods of Playing in Positions with Closed Centre - Part 3 (GM Grigor Grigorov), Methods of Defence against the Bishop Sacrifice on h6 - GM Nikolai Ninov, Tactics Can Break Steel, but not Traditions - GM John van der Wiel, Domination in the Endgame - GM Davorin Kuljasevic, and Master the Grunfeld Structure - Part 4 (GM Mihail Marin)
Dear Reader, In this issue of Modern Chess Magazine, you will find the following articles: Alert Defence - Part 2 - GM John van der Wiel Typical Tactical Ideas - Bishop Sacrifice on h6 - GM Nikolai Ninov Master the Grunfeld Structure - Part 3 - GM Mihail Marin Endgame Series - Part 12 - GM Davorin Kuljasevic Kings Indian Structures - Black Releases the Tension in the Centre (Part 2) - GM Petar Arnaudov
Dear reader, In the current issue of Modern Chess Magazine, we provide you with the following articles: Alert Defence - Part 1 - GM John van der Wiel, Master the Grunfeld Structure - Part 2 - GM Mihail Marin, Kings Indian Structures - Black Releases the Tension in the Centre - GM Petar Arnaudov, Practical Decision-Making - Part 2 - GM Boris Chatalbashev, Endgame Series - Part 11 - GM Davorin Kuljasevic
Dear reader, In the current issue, you will find the following articles: Master the Grunfeld Structure - Part 1 (GM Mihail Marin), Methods of Playing in Positions with Closed Centre - Part 2 (GM Grigor Grigorov), KID Manual - Understand the Botvinnik Structure (GM Petar Arnaudov), Practical Decision - Making - Part 1 (GM Boris Chatalbashev), Endgame Series - Part 10 (GM Davorin Kuljasevic)
Dear Reader, In the current Issue, we provide you with the following articles - Understand the Positions with Closed Centre, Endgame Series - Part 9, How to Fight for an Open File, Mar Del Plata Structure - Attacking Manual for Black, Typical Middlegame Combinations - Bishop Sacrifice on "h7"
Dear reader, In the current Issue, we provide you with the following articles: Methods of Playing with Semi - Hanging Pawns (GM Grigor Grigorov) Endgame Series - Part 8 (GM Davorin Kuljasevic) Attacking the King (IM Valeri Lilov) Exchange Sacrifice (GM Vladimir Georgiev) English Hedgehog Pawn Structure - Tactical and Strategical Ideas (GM Petar Arnaudov)
Dear readers, Before listing the articles in the present issue, we would like to inform you about something tragic. On 27th April 2016 passed away our author GM Viktor Gavrikov. Just few days before his death, he sent his last article ( Strong Knight Against Bad Bishop in the Endgame) which we publish in this Issue. Also, in this issue, you could find the following articles: Farewell, Viktor - GM Grigor Grigorov Methods of Playing against Semi - Hanging Pawns - GM Grigor Grigorov Late Benoni against 1.d4 - Part 3 - GM Boris Chatalbashev Sicilian Structures - Part 2 - GM Petar Arnaudov Endgame Series - Part 7 - GM Davorin Kuljasevic
Dear chess friends, In Issue 6 of Modern Chess Magazine, we provide you with the following articles: - Methods of Playing with Hanging Pawns - Part 2 - GM Grigor Grigorov - Fight the Evans in a Modern Way - GM Vladimir Georgiev - Sicilian Pawn Structures - Introduction - GM Viktor Gavrikov - Endgame Series - Part 6 - GM Davorin Kuljasevic - GM Repertoire against 1.d4 - Part 2 - GM Boris Chatalbashev