My Nimzo-Indian
This product includes all the videos from the workshop as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of 9 hours of video and a PGN database which includes 153 files!
You will find the following lectures:
✅ Typical Strategies in the Nimzo-Indian
✅ Practical Solution against 4.Qc2
✅ Solid Repertoire against 4.e3 - Part 1
✅ Solid Repertoire against 4.e3 - Part 2
✅ Repertoire against 4.f3, 4.Nf3, and 4.Qb3
✅ Rare Lines - Repertoire for Black
Now, we shall take a look at the different lectures.
Typical Strategies in the Nimzo-Indian
In this lecture, we will examine the most important strategic ideas that every Nimzo-Indian player must know. We will focus on the following three strategies:1) Playing against doubled pawns on c3 and c4
2) Light Square Strategy
3) Utilising the e4-square
This lecture will make it very easy for you to understand and remember the theoretical recommendations. Therefore, you should start the course with this lecture.
Practical Solution against 4.Qc2
This lecture is designed to provide a practical repertoire for Black against the line 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qc2
The line with 4.Qc2 is also known as the Classical System. White plays in a positionally well-founded manner: he prevents the doubling of his c-pawns and controls the important e4-square. Papaioannou's suggestion here is 4...d6
A very interesting variation for Black, with practically zero theory. White has a huge number of set-ups, and against each one of them, we have several good options! Our next move is in most cases going to be ...Nbd7. Then we will decide whether to develop the c8-bishop with ...b6-Bb7 or with a well-timed ...e6-e5. We always keep in mind a possible light-square strategy! The lines that follow, should not be memorized! We just need to understand the typical plans and ideas.
Solid Repertoire against 4.e3 - Part 1
In this lecture, we start dealing with the so-called Rubinstein Variation arising after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3
Statistically speaking, this is White's most popular option against Nimzo-Indian Defence. Our repertoire against it will be based on 4...0-0
There are 4 systems for White here:
a) Bd3 with Nge2
b) Bd3 with Nf3 which is called the Huebner variation
c) Bd3 with a3 (or a3 first and then Bd3)
d) Nge2 without Bd3
You are strongly advised to start with the theory and then carefully study the model games.
Solid Repertoire against 4.e3 - Part 2
In the second part of the Black repertoire against the 4.e3 Nimzo, we take a look at two major lines. One of them requires more concrete knowledge, and the other more conceptual understanding. The theory of both lines is covered in detail in the theory part included in part 1 of this repertoire.
The conceptual line starts with 5.Ne2 while the concrete one is based on 5.a3. Even though both continuations are covered in the theoretical part of the previous lecture, this lecture provides you with many instructive model games.
Repertoire against 4.f3, 4.Nf3, and 4.Qb3
In this lecture, we are going to examine the continuations 4.g3, 4.Nf3, 4.f3, and 4.Qb3. All these lines (especially 4.f3) should be taken very seriously. In this lecture, you will see how to neutralize them without having to spend a lot of time on learning theory. After checking the theoretical section, make sure to go through all the model games. This is how you will get a feel of the arising positions.
Rare Lines - Repertoire for Black
In the last lecture of the camp, we will examine three important sidelines - 4.Bg5, lines based on a2-a3, and lines based on Bd2. Against these options, Black has many sensible antidotes. Our main concern is to find something practical and easy-to-learn. For sure, after studying this lecture, you will play against these lines with a lot of pleasure. All the discussed systems are based on understanding of the typical ideas and structures.