Practical 1.d4 Repertoire for White Part 2

Online Camps (83)

Understand the Berlin Variation - Part 1  Completed 

After looking at so many top-level games in the Berlin Variation in Ruy Lopez, are you curious to understand all the hidden nuances of this rock-solid opening? The starting position of this line arises after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 In two consecutive camps, Roiz will provide you with a top-level understanding of this line. The first camp will be dedicated to the Berlin Endgame, while the second will feature all the deviations from the endgame. In the first camp, Michael Roiz will provide in-depth knowledge related to move orders, pawn play, exchange strategies, and maneuvers in the Berlin endgame. When you get a feel for all these subtleties, you will be ready to incorporate this famous endgame into your repertoire!

Event Database:

Understand the Berlin Variation - Part 1 (6h Running Time)

Understand the Berlin Variation - Part 2  Completed 

The second part of the Berlin journey will feature White's deviations from the endgame. The main focus of this camp will be the move 4.d3. Of course, Roiz will also consider the position 4.0-0 Nxe4, examining White's attempts to deviate from the endgame. Even though this is not a theoretical camp, after studying the material, you will be ready to apply the Berlin Variation in your games. The reason is that in this line, the strategic understanding is way more important than the knowledge of concrete lines.

Event Database:

Understand the Berlin Variation - Part 2 (6h Running Time)

Practical 1.d4 Repertoire for White - Part 2  Completed 

Time has come to announce the second installment of Papaioannou's practical 1.d4 repertoire. While Part 1 covered everything except 1...d5, Part 2 will be mainly dedicated to the position arising after 1.d4 d5 2.c4. Additionally, GM Papaioannou will cover the Dutch Defence and Black's rare openings.

Event Database:

Practical 1.d4 Repertoire for White - Part 2 (9h Video Running Time)

Practical 1.d4 Repertoire for White - Part 1  Completed 

After his highly successful camp Practical 1.e4 Repertoire for White, GM Ioannis Papaioannou is going to provide a similar repertoire for 1.d4 players. This repertoire will be divided into two camps. In the first camp, Papaioannou will provide practical repertoire against the Indian Defences - Benoni Defences, Benko Gambit, Nimzo-Indian Defence, Gruenfeld Defence, King's Indian Defence, and Old Indian Defence. The second camp will be dedicated to 1.d4 d5.

Event Database:

Practical 1.d4 Repertoire for White - Part 1 (10.5h Running Time)

Play the Caro-Kann - Part 2  Completed 

After the highly successful camp Play the Caro-Kann - Part 1, GM Grigor Grigorov continues his Caro-Kann journey. While the first installment was dedicated to White's main moves 3.e5 and 3.Nc3, the second and final part will deal with everything else. You will enjoy powerful and very practical systems against challenging lines such as Exchange Variation, Panov Attack, Two Knights Variation, Fantasy Variation, and so on. Even though one cannot avoid studying theory, the suggested repertoire will mainly revolve around plans and ideas. After the camp, you will enjoy full Caro-Kann Defence repertoire that you can play at any level.

Event Database:

Play the Caro-Kann - Part 2 (7.5 Hours Running Time)

Practical 1.e4 Repertoire for White  Completed 

Many players who want to start playing 1.e4 are afraid of the overwhelming amount of theory. As strange as it might sound, you can play 1.e4 without the need to memorize tons of variations. What you need is a smart choice of lines! In this camp, GM Papaioannou will need 7 lectures to change your perspective regarding 1.e4. He will provide you with variations that are mainly based on understanding. Even when there is no objective advantage, Papaioannou will provide valuable guidelines on how to handle the arising positions. The suggested repertoire will be a perfect match for practical players who want to save time on opening preparation.

Event Database:

Practical 1.e4 Repertoire for White (10.5 Hours Running Time)

Play the Philidor Defence  Completed 

In this camp, GM Dejan Bojkov is going to provide you with a full repertoire against 1.e4 based on the Philidor Defence. Besides covering all the important modern theoretical directions, GM Bojkov will also examine the must-know Endgames and typical positional and tactical ideas.

Event Database:

Play the Philidor Defence (9h Running Time)

Reti Opening - Repertoire for White after 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3  Completed 

Recently, White started using different versions of Reti Opening in order to fight against the solid 1...d5. So far, most of our Reti Opening camps and products have been based on setups including g2-g3. In this camp, GM Davorin Kuljasevic is going for a different approach - 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 This flexible system has recently been popularized by the German top player Vincent Keymer. White is ready to follow with c2-c4 on the next move. It's very important that Black no longer has the option of playing ...d5-d4 in response to c2-c4. One of the main advantages of this system is that we are not committed to the early d2-d4. Depending on Black's reaction, White will decide when and whether to push the d-pawn. This version of the Reti Opening is very practical since your opponents will have a hard time preparing against it.

Event Database:

Reti Opening - Repertoire for White after 1.Nf3 d5 2.e3 (4h Running Time)

Fight the Anti-Sicilians  Completed 

After his highly successful Najdorf camps, GM Papaioannou delves into the Anti-Sicilian setups employed by White. Statistically speaking, as a Sicilian player, in 50% of your games, you will face Anti-Sicilian setups. Therefore, having a solid repertoire against these lines is of crucial importance. True to his didactic approach, GM Ioannis Papaioannou will provide you with a practical repertoire that is not based on memorization of long variations. Additionally, all the proposed lines will be designed for the needs of the tournament player. Hence, our objective will be to overplay the opponent in complex practical positions that we know better.

Event Database:

Fight the Anti-Sicilians (9h Running Time)

Play the Caro-Kann - Part 1  Completed 

GM Grigor Grigorov is ready to share his knowledge in another one of his favourite openings - the Caro-Kann Defence. If you are looking for a strategically sound response to 1.e4 which gives you good winning chances, this camp is for you. The Caro-Kann project will consist of 2 interrelated camps. The first camp will be dedicated to the main lines starting with 3.e5 and 3.Nc3. All the remaining lines will be covered in the second camp. When possible, GM Grigorov will focus on systems that can be played mostly on understanding.

Event Database:

Play the Caro-Kann - Part 1 (7.5h Running Time)