We are happy to invite you to our camp dedicated to the Hedgehog. The Hedgehog is definitely one of the most important pawn structures in chess. This typical position can arise via so many different opening variations that no serious chess player can skip learning it. Studying the Hedgehog will dramatically improve your opening repertoire and general chess understanding. Our expert team of grandmasters in this camp will provide extensive knowledge on this fundamental pawn structure. Additionally, you will get insights on the opening variations featuring the Hedgehog.
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If you are looking for a positional opening where the typical ideas and plans are more important than the concrete theory, Reti is your choice! In this camp, GM Papaioannou will share his repertoire for White after 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 After studying the lectures, you will be also ready to face many move orders starting with 1...Nf6 as well. During the camp, you will see many different types of positions and pawn structures. In this way, you will definitely boost your general chess understanding.
Event Database:
1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 - Play the Reti (7 hours 30 mins Video Running Time)
We are happy to invite you to the masterclass by GM Grigor Grigorov and GM Petar Arnaudov - Queen's Gambit Accepted - Simple Solution to 1.d4 Chess players are often so concentrated on their opening preparation that they cannot find time to improve the other aspects of their play. In this camp, we will provide you with a reliable and easy-to-learn opening against 1.d4 - Queen's Gambit Accepted. In four lectures, GM Grigor Grigorov and GM Petar Arnaudov will explain all the essential theoretical, positional and tactical aspects of this opening.
Event Database:
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Simple Solution to 1.d4 (7h Running Time)
Sicilian Defense has always been the most ambitious reply for Black against 1.e4. Svesnikov Sicilian is one of the most popular and interesting variations. It increased its popularity recently mainly due to the efforts of Magnus Carlsen, who scored many brilliant wins with it. It is an aggressive system but still not as sharp as the Najdorf variation. When you study the plans and ideas well, this opening can suit you well for a very long time.
Event Database:
In the current workshop, you can see inside the grandmaster's mind. GM Petar Arnaudov will share his thoughts about some of the most important practical aspects of the game. You will learn how he prepares against his opponent and what he thinks during the game. You will see for yourself what is the difference in the thinking process between you and a grandmaster. The lectures will improve your thinking process, decision-making, and analytical skills.
Whether you are a 1.e4 or 1.d4 player, fighting all the tricky setups starting with 1...d6 or 1...g6 is always difficult. By using tricky move orders, your opponent can easily take you out of your comfort zone. Not anymore! GM Papaioannou is ready to share his universal solution that works for both 1.e4 and 1.d4 players.
Event Database:
Universal Solution against Philidor, Modern, and Pirc (6h Video Running Time)
We are happy to invite you to our camp Evaluation and Plan. You can often hear masters say that even having a bad plan is better than playing without a plan. The ability to create adequate plans is one of the critical factors distinguishing experts from amateur players. In order to find the right plan, however, you need to make a proper evaluation. In this camp, our team of experts will provide you with all the key tools that you need when it comes to evaluation and planning. After studying the lectures, your global chess vision will be drastically improved.
Event Database:
We are happy to invite you to the workshop by GM Petar Arnaudov and GM Ioannis Papaioannou - Advanced Variation Against French Defence and Caro-Kann - Structures and Theory Besides getting a fighting repertoire against French Defence and Caro-Kann, this workshop will improve your general positional feeling and understanding. The Advanced Structure is one of the most important structures for every 1.e4 player.
Event Database:
Advance Variation against French and Caro-Kann (6h Running Time)
We are happy to invite you to our camp Calculate like a Grandmaster. The calculation is by far the most important skill in chess. When you have good calculation abilities, you can often compensate for the lack of knowledge and understanding. Improving your calculation goes beyond tournament practice and solving puzzles. In this camp, our team of experts will provide you with the most essential calculation techniques that grandmasters use in their practice. After studying the lectures, your calculation process will be way more structured.
We are happy to invite you to the workshop by GM Grigor Grigorov Understand the Queen's Indian. Besides being a solid response to 1.d4, the Queen's Indian Defence will improve your general positional feeling. Instead of trying to memorize long and forced variations, you can start playing this opening by mainly relying on your understanding. Being an experienced Queen's Indian player, GM Grigor Grigorov is ready to share his knowledge with you. In 4 lectures, he will provide you with a ready-to-use repertoire for Black after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6
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