Despite the fact that people spend most of their time studying openings, statistics show that we mainly lose games because of poor decision-making in complex positions. Mistakes are even more likely to happen in the endgame due to tiredness and lack of time. Note that 99% of your opponents do not dedicate enough time to study endgames. Do not miss the chance to get a tremendous competitive advantage!
Event Database:
Can you imagine an opening repertoire that works against almost all closed openings that White can choose? In this camp, GM Papaioannou would like to share a setup he has been exploring for several years. This system is characterized by three moves - ...d7-d5, ...e7-e6, and ...h7-h6.
Event Database:
After his camps on Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian Defence, GM Grigorov is planning to complete his repertoire against 1.d4. This workshop is designed to provide you with practical solutions against London, Trompowsky, Torre, Colle, Veresov, and Jobava systems. Given the fact that these lines are very popular at any level, having practical and easy-to-learn solution against them is extremely important.
Event Database:
1.d4 Nf6 - Practical Repertoire against the Sidelines (7.5 Hours Running Time)
GM Papaioannou continues his Reti journey. In his previous camp 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 - Play the Reti, Papaioannou provided a complete solution for White against 1...d5. The focus of this camp will be all Black's options against 1.Nf3, except 1...d5. While the main focus will be on 1...Nf6 and 1...c5, GM Papaioannou will cover some important rare lines such as 1...f5. Against both 1...Nf6 and 1...c5, Papaioannou suggests 2.c4.
Event Database:
1.Nf3 - Practical Reti Repertoire for White (7.5 Hours Running Time)
Maroczy Bind is one of the most common structures in chess. It can be reached by many different openings and move orders. GM Petar Arnaudov will share his knowledge of this highly complex opening as a specialist in this structure. The camp will focus more on the typical positional, tactical, and endgame ideas, but you will also get good theoretical knowledge.
Event Database:
Modern Benoni is one of the most suitable openings when you want to play for a win with Black. Being a Benoni expert himself, GM Papaioannou will share his understanding of this highly complex and exciting opening. In 5 lectures, GM Papaioannou will present complete solution for Black after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 and 3.g3. In both cases, Black plays 3...c5. Against 3.Nc3, Papaioannou prefers the Nimzo-Indian Defence which will be covered in the related camp by GM Grigorov.
Event Database:
Everyone knows that the Nimzo-Indian is one of the most reliable chess openings. Probably you want to include it in your repertoire but you are perplexed by it's complexity. GM Grigorov has a solution. In 5 lectures, he will provide a practical and straightforward repertoire. The opening choices will be very consistent because they will revolve around similar pawn structures.
Event Database:
Practical Nimzo-Indian Repertoire (7.5 Hours Video Running Time)
We are happy to invite you to our camp dedicated to the Hedgehog. The Hedgehog is definitely one of the most important pawn structures in chess. This typical position can arise via so many different opening variations that no serious chess player can skip learning it. Studying the Hedgehog will dramatically improve your opening repertoire and general chess understanding. Our expert team of grandmasters in this camp will provide extensive knowledge on this fundamental pawn structure. Additionally, you will get insights on the opening variations featuring the Hedgehog.
Event Database:
If you are looking for a positional opening where the typical ideas and plans are more important than the concrete theory, Reti is your choice! In this camp, GM Papaioannou will share his repertoire for White after 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 After studying the lectures, you will be also ready to face many move orders starting with 1...Nf6 as well. During the camp, you will see many different types of positions and pawn structures. In this way, you will definitely boost your general chess understanding.
Event Database:
1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 - Play the Reti (7 hours 30 mins Video Running Time)
We are happy to invite you to the masterclass by GM Grigor Grigorov and GM Petar Arnaudov - Queen's Gambit Accepted - Simple Solution to 1.d4 Chess players are often so concentrated on their opening preparation that they cannot find time to improve the other aspects of their play. In this camp, we will provide you with a reliable and easy-to-learn opening against 1.d4 - Queen's Gambit Accepted. In four lectures, GM Grigor Grigorov and GM Petar Arnaudov will explain all the essential theoretical, positional and tactical aspects of this opening.
Event Database:
Queen's Gambit Accepted - Simple Solution to 1.d4 (7h Running Time)