Online Camps (100)

Understand the Scotch Game  Completed 

Nowadays, 1...e5 is a hard nut to crack for any 1.e4 player. In most of the Ruy Lopez and Italian lines, you need to know a tremendous amount of theory in order to fight for some tiny edge. If you need a practical repertoire that limits Black's options, the Scotch Game is your choice. Contrary to other classical openings, in Scotch Game, Black can easily get crushed if he is not very precise. Even in the main lines, White has many interesting possibilities to create at least practical problems for his opponent. In this camp, our expert team of grandmasters will provide extensive knowledge on the typical pawn structures, endgames, and theoretical trends. Additionally, the most important positional and tactical ideas will be covered.

Event Database:

Understand the Scotch Game (9h Video Running Time)

Understand the French Defence  Completed 

We are happy to invite you to our camp Understand the French Defence. There is hardly another opening in which the positional understanding is so important. When you know the most important structures as well as positional and tactical patterns, the computer preparation of your opponent does not matter so much. Additionally, studying the French Defence improves your general chess understanding since French structures arise in different openings. Furthermore, French players have a subtle understanding of the space advantage.

Event Database:

Understand the French Defence (9h Running Time)

December Camp - Understand the Ruy Lopez  Completed 

We are happy to invite you to our camp Understand the Ruy Lopez. Ruy Lopez is probably the most fundamental of openings. Many experts consider it to be the cornerstone of the chess strategy. Therefore, this opening is one of the most frequent guests in World Championship matches. When you work on Ruy Lopez, you improve your chess understanding. In this camp, our expert team of grandmasters will provide extensive knowledge on the typical pawn structures. Additionally, the most important positional and tactical ideas will be covered.

Event Database:

December Camp - Understand the Ruy Lopez (9h Running Time)

November Workshop - Understand the Scandinavian  Completed 

We are happy to invite you to the workshop by GM Ioannis Papaioannou Understand the Scandinavian. Are you tired of memorizing long forced variations when building your repertoire against 1.e4? GM Papaioannou is here to provide an easy to learn and reliable repertoire for Black. Being one of the best Scandinavian experts in the World himself, he will share his knowledge and understanding of this opening. After the camp, you will enjoy a complete Scandinavian repertoire that is entirely based on understanding. Since the arising structures are very similar, this workshop will be tremendously useful for Caro-Kann players as well.

Event Database:

Understand the Scandinavian

Slav Setups against English Reti and Larsen  Completed 

We are happy to invite you to the camp Slav Setups against English, Reti, and Larsen. Nowadays, due to the tremendous amount of theory, many players tend to avoid the absolute main lines. Therefore, openings such as English, Reti, and Larsen are gaining back their popularity. Given the flexible pawn structure, it's not easy to prepare against these systems. The idea of the current camp is to provide a similar approach to all the 3 openings - Slav Setups. After completing the camp, you will have an easy to use and reliable repertoire against English, Reti, and Larsen openings.

Event Database:

Slav Setups against English Reti, and Larsen (7.5h Running Time)

Understand the Slav Defence  Completed 

We are happy to invite you to our camp Understand the Slav Defence. The camp will feature the most important Slav pawn structures. Additionally, participants will be provided with easy to learn and practical repertoire against White's main systems. Since the Slav Defence is a fundamental opening, the knowledge will be useful even for people who don't play it. This camp will be perfect preparation for the second one - Slav Setups against English, Reti, and Larsen.

Event Database:

Understand the Slav Defence

October Workshop - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 - Understand the Torre Attack  Completed 

We are happy to invite you to the masterclass by GM Ioannis Papaioannou 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5 - Understand the Torre Attack. Are you tired of studying complicated computer lines in Gruenfeld and King's Indian Defence? Would you like to play an anti-computer system that is entirely based on the understanding of the pawn structures? GM Papaioannou is here to teach one of his favourite systems - Torre Attack. In this workshop, he will provide in-depth knowledge of the typical pawn structures as well as an expert-level theoretical preparation.

Event Database:

Understand the Torre Attack - 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 g6 3.Bg5

September Camp - Understand the Classical Sicilian (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6)  Completed 

.We are happy to invite you to the camp Understand the Classical Sicilian - 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6. Do you struggle to play for a win against 1.e4, without the need to learn tons of theory? If yes, the Classical Sicilian is your choice. Besides the most important positional and tactical ideas, you will be armed with ready-to-use theoretical knowledge. Additionally, you will learn how to handle all the typical endgames. Since the Sicilian Defence is a classical opening, the camp will help you to increase your general chess understanding.

Event Database:

Understand the Classical Sicilian (7.5 Hours Running Time)

September Workshop - Understand the Nimzo-Indian  Completed 

This camp is designed to provide you with an expert understanding of the Nimzo-Indian Defence. Besides the most important positional and tactical ideas, you will be armed with ready-to-use theoretical knowledge. Since the Nimzo-Indian Defence is a classical opening, the camp will help you to increase your general chess understanding.

Event Database:

Understand the Nimzo-Indian Defence

August Masterclass - Understand the Bogo-Indian  Completed 

The training sessions will feature the most important pawn structures and theoretical lines that a Bogo-Indian player must know. Being a big Bogo-Indian expert himself, GM Papaioannou is ready to share his knowledge with you. After completing the masterclass, you will be ready to include the Bogo-Indian in your repertoire!

Event Database:

Understand the Bogo-Indian (5h Running Time)