Open Spanish - Expert Repertoire for Black - Part 1
We are pleased to present another fascinating database by GM Michael Roiz - Open Spanish - Expert Repertoire for Black - Part 1. In this two-part series, Roiz will provide you with top-level repertoire based on the Ruy Lopez. An excellent addition to this repertoire is Roiz' previous course - Complete Spanish Repertoire for Black - Sidelines which deals with all the early deviations that White might choose.
The starting position of the current survey arises after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6
The main theoretical tabia of the Open Spanish. Tarrasch liked Black's chances due to the strong knight on e4 and the free development. Capablanca and later Keres were skeptical about Black's position due to its weaknesses and White's strong e5-pawn. Today, Open Spanish has established itself as one of the main defences against 3.Bb5, and its viability is not in doubt. World Championship challenger Viktor Kortschnoj and World Champion Vishwanathan Anand are two of the leading experts to have this uncompromising and active defence in their repertoire.
In Part 1 of the Open Spanish course, White's most popular lines 9.Nbd2 and 9.c3 will be analyzed, while the alternatives will be dealt with in Part 2.
This course consists of 12 theoretical chapters, 20 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (2h and 10min).
The first part of the database deals with the position arising after 9.Nbd2 Nc5
An ambitious response - Black leaves White with a somewhat awkward d2-knight when the dark-squared bishop remains blocked for a while. On the downside, it's a waste of an important tempo. Roiz discusses the theory after 9.Nbd2 Nc5 in Chapters 1-6.
The second important continuation is 9.c3
This move is somewhat more popular than 9.Nbd2. Its main points are vacating c2 for the bishop and making it tougher for Black to push ...d5-d4. Also, potentially White can play Nf3-d4 and recapture with c-pawn, obtaining a powerful pawn centre.
At this point, Roiz suggests 9...Bc5.
The most ambitious developing move. Black puts pressure on f2 and takes more control of the key d4-square. White's main line starts with 10.Nbd2 0-0 11.Bc2. All the alternatives are covered in Chapters 7-10.
Let's take a look at the critical position arising after 10.Nbd2 0-0 11.Bc2.
The big main line. Now Black's e4-knight has to declare its intentions. Black's most energetical way of playing is 11...Nxf2!? 12.Rxf2 Bxf2 13.Kxf2 f6
Opening the f-file against White's king.We have arrived at the starting position of the 11...Nxf2-line. This line is examined in Chapters 10-12. According to the analysis of GM Michael Roiz, Black is doing fine in this line which is so critical for the Open Spanish.