Open Spanish - Expert Repertoire for Black - Part 2
We are glad to present the second and final database of Michael Roiz about the Open Spanish. This course deals with White's deviations on the way to the main line of the Open Spanish. The main line was already covered in the database Open Spanish - Expert Repertoire for Black - Part 1.
As usual, GM Michael Roiz provides flawless solutions which are based on a solid strategic background. As a bonus, in this database, you will find White's early deviations (on moves 4 and 5). These files are taken from the Roiz' database, Complete Spanish Repertoire for Black - Sidelines.
The starting position of the Open Spanish arises after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4
This position is very similar to Berlin, when White's bishop is on a4 instead of b5. Still, White has more or less the same options here as in Berlin. The main deviations on move 6 are 6.Re1, 6.d3, 6.Qe2, and 6.Bxc6. Roiz proves that none of these moves manages to create problems for Black.
The next position of interest arises after 6.d4 b5
At this point, White has two ways of deviating from the main move 7.Bb3, 7.d5 and 7.Nxe5. Even though 7.Nxe5 is a more serious option, it fails to create problems for Black.
Another interesting idea explored in this database is 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.a4
This original idea was introduced by the great Mikhail Chigorin back in 1876! It can be rarely seen on a high level nowadays, mostly as a surprise effect. Black's most precise way of handling the position is 8...Nxd4!. Subsequent analysis shows that it's White who is fighting for equality in this line.
Another important deviation on move 8 is 8.Nxe5.
This sideline has recently gained some popularity on a high level. In comparison to 8.dxe5 White's f-pawn is unblocked now, so Black should potentially deal with ..f2-f3 or f2-f4. On the downside, it is much easier for Black to consolidate his queenside with ...c7-c6.
At this point, Black should proceed with 8...Nxe5 9.dxe5 c6
This way of covering d5 is more flexible than 9...Be6 because the bishop has other prospects too. All the ideas that White has tried so far fail to create problems for Black.
The next important Open Spanish tabiya arises after 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6
GM Roiz examines the following deviations on move 9 - 9.Re1, 9.Nc3, 9.Bf4, and 9.a4. None of these tries manages to create problems for Black. In all cases, Black obtains an excellent counterplay.
Another interesting position arises after 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6 9.Be3 Bc5 10.Qd3
This line is similar to 10.Qe2. White is aiming to exchange bishops in favorable redaction when his queen becomes active. Nevertheless, with a precise play, Black is able to equalize rather convincingly.
In response to 9...Bc5, White can also go for the position arising after 10.Bxc5 Nxc5
The most serious try in this position is 11.Nd4. By playing this move, White indicates that he wants to extend initiative on the kingside with f2-f4. Black should answer with 11...Nxd4 12.Qxd4 Nb7 followed by ...c7-c5. White's alternatives on move 11 are not dangerous.
A very serious option for White is 6.d4 b5 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 Be6 9.Be3 Bc5 10.Qe2
A top choice. White activates his queen and vacates d1 for the rook. Potentially, the opposition on the d-file may cause Black definite problems. Black should react with 10...0-0 11.Rd1 Re8
This flexible move was played by the great Viktor Kortschnoj: Black hosts his rook in opposition to the opponent's queen and invites White to show his cards. White failed to find an advantage in this position.
White can play 9.Qe2, without the inclusion of 9.Be3 Bc5.
This is White's third choice. Its main point is vacating d1 for the rook in order to put pressure on d5 and take advantage of favorable opposition on the d-file.
The main position of interest arises after 9...Nc5.
At this point, White's main move is 10.Rd1. Of course, Roiz deals with all the alternatives as well. Deep analysis proves that Black is able to achieve full equality in all the lines.