Opening Databases (418)

Caro-Kann According to Dreev - Part 2 

We are thrilled to announce Caro-Kann According to Dreev – Part 2, the latest installment in the in-depth series by GM Alexey Dreev and GM Pier Luigi Basso. This course continues to provide a top-level repertoire for Black, focusing on all critical variations except 3.Nc3, which will be covered in the final Part 3.


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Jobava London Reversed - Top-Level Repertoire for Black 

Modern Chess is thrilled to announce an exciting new course by GM Baadur Jobava and GM Pier Luigi Basso: Jobava London Reversed – Top-Level Repertoire for Black. This unique course introduces a fresh and ambitious way to handle 1.Nf3 as Black, leveraging the principles of the Jobava London System in reverse.


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Beat the Anti-Sicilians - Top-Level Repertoire for Black 

We’re excited to announce the release of GM Arjun Kalyan’s new course, Beat the Anti-Sicilians - Top-Level Repertoire for Black, designed to help you handle all the deviations White has at their disposal on moves 2 and 3. This course is the perfect complement to GM Kalyan's previous course, My Classical Sicilian - Top-Level Repertoire for Black, ensuring you have a complete weapon against 1.e4.


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Strategic Repertoire against the Sicilian Defence - 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ 

The camp Strategic Repertoire against the Sicilian - 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ is already a digital product. This product includes all the videos from the camp as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of 10.5 hours of video and a PGN database, which includes 142 files!


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Caro-Kann According to Dreev - Part 1 

We are proud to present the first installment of an exceptional three-part series on the Caro-Kann Defense, authored by Alexey Dreev and Pier Luigi Basso. This groundbreaking course, Caro-Kann According to Dreev - Part 1, provides a complete and detailed repertoire for Black against the Advance Variation, arising after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5. The remaining lines will be examined in the next two installments.


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My Classical Sicilian - Top-Level Repertoire for Black 

We are thrilled to announce the release of My Classical Sicilian - Top-Level Repertoire for Black, a new course by GM Arjun Kalyan, providing an ambitious and principled repertoire for Black.

As the name suggests, this opening has stood the test of time, offering a rich history and sound principles. Unlike the Najdorf, where White has numerous flexible options, the Classical Sicilian demands precise and active play from White.


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The Ambitious Queen's Gambit Accepted (3h and 21min Video Running Time) 

We are thrilled to announce the release of "The Ambitious Queen's Gambit Accepted", an exceptional course crafted by GM Baadur Jobava and GM Pier Luigi Basso. This course is pure gold, as GM Jobava reveals his personal and highly original repertoire for Black in the Queen's Gambit Accepted (QGA)—an opening often considered solid but slightly passive.


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1.d4 According to Dreev - Play the Catalan - Part 2 (7h and 7min Video Running Time) 

We are thrilled to present Part 5 of the 1.d4 According to Dreev series: Play the Catalan - Part 2! This highly anticipated course completes the repertoire for White in the Catalan Opening, focusing on Black’s most popular responses: 4...Be7 and 4...Bb4+.
Once again, GMs Alexey Dreev and Pier Luigi Basso deliver an exceptional resource, combining groundbreaking ideas, practical insights, and a learner-friendly structure. If you’ve been following this series, you already know the depth and creativity these authors bring to their work.


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Play the O'Kelly Sicilian - Top-Level Repertoire for Black (3h and 30min Video Running Time) 

We are happy to announce that the strong Indian GM and theoretician S.P Sethuraman comes up with another amazing course - Play the O'Kelly Sicilian - Top-Level Repertoire for Black.
The starting position of this exciting variation is being reached after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 a6
he O'Kelly Sicilian is a dynamic response to White's 1.e4, gaining popularity among top players such as Artemiev, Rapport, Vitiugov, and Andreikin, who have incorporated it into their repertoires. This system avoids the heavy theoretical battles typical of the mainline Sicilians, offering a fresh and practical approach to countering 2.Nf3.


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Strategic Repertoire against the Sicilian Defence - Play the Rossolimo (10.5h Video Running Time) 

The camp Strategic Repertoire against the Sicilian - Play the Rossolimo is already a digital product. This product includes all the videos from the camp as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of 10.5 hours of video and a PGN database, which includes 167 files!


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