Opening Databases (418)

Complete Najdorf Repertoire for Black - Part 2 

In Part 1, IM Renato Quintillano wrote a quick summary of Black's main ideas and goals in the Najdorf, explaining the reasons why he thinks it is the most reliable option for Black in the Sicilian. In that database, he dealt with the positional lines, in which White wants to keep the position under control and prevent Black from taking the initiative, playing for a small advantage and a strategic approach. Time has come now to deal with those uncompromising lines, in which White seeks a direct attack against the black king, initiating a bloody battle for the initiative. Here the game tends to develop in a very concrete way, and both sides need to search for tactical resources and attacking ideas, instead of strategic motifs and positional maneuvers, as in the first database. Some move orders and subtleties gain in importance now, and strong calculation skills are required.


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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 - Ragozin and Queen's Gambit with 4...a6 for Black 

In the second installment of 'Repertoire for Black against 1.d4', GM Kuljasevic suggests an opening repertoire against 3.Nf3 based on the Ragozin Defense (4...Bb4) and Modern Queen's Gambit (4...a6). Similarly to the Repertoire against the Catalan, the idea is to have one equalizing opening system that you would be comfortable playing against strong opponents, as well as one sharp system that you would use to imbalance the game, get your opponent out of his comfort zone, or just get a playable game without much opening theory, hoping to outplay him in the long run.
In this database, the Ragozin Defense will have the role of a solid equalizing weapon, while the Modern Queen's Gambit will be the sharp one.


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Complete Najdorf Repertoire for Black - Part 1 

The Najdorf is the most popular Sicilian played in tournaments, and our author IM Renato Quintiliano considers it the most reliable option in the Sicilian universe. It promises an active game for Black and real chances of playing for a win. The main practical problem for Black, however, is that White has a really wide range of options to face the Najdorf. White can even avoid an open and sharp battle for the initiative and instead go for more solid and positional lines, which can prove a problem for aggressive Black players. It means that if you want to develop a deep knowledge about the Sicilian Najdorf, in order to use this opening as a weapon in your repertoire, it is necessary to not only be aware of long and sharp theoretical lines, but also of positional ideas, typical maneuvres and structures, developing a good strategic understanding about them. These positional lines will be the subject of our first (of three) databases dedicated to the Sicilian Najdorf.


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Complete Caro-Kann Repertoire for Black - Part 1 

In his first database for Modern Chess, GM Burak Firat starts building a complete Caro-Kann repertoire for Black. The current database features the variation which arises after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nf6. Before dealing with the theory, GM Firat explains the most important pawn structures. In his analysis, he comes up with many new ideas in topical positions.


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Taimanov Attack against the Modern Benoni 

This database features a powerful weapon against the Modern Benoni - the Taimanov Attack. Being able to effectively cope with this very popular defense is crucial for the success of a 1.d4 player. The repertoire covered in this database provides the required knowledge to achieve an opening edge.


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Rossolimo Variation against the Sicilian - Complete Repertoire against 2...Nc6  Updated 

Rossolimo variation seems to be the only reasonable alternative to the main lines. In this database, GM Neiksans tries to stay true to the original spirit of the first part and offer you variations which are easy to remember and play on the board. After all, that is the whole concept of the Anti-Sicilian approach!


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Play the Bayonet Attack against the King's Indian Defence 

In his first database for Modern Chess, the Dutch GM Sipke Ernst examines one of the most topical weapons against the King's Indian Defence - Bayonet Attack. The fact that this system is the most principled way to fight the KID makes it popular even at the highest level.


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Complete Repertoire against the Catalan 

In this database, GM Davorin Kuljasevic provides a complete repertoire against the Catalan Opening. Nowadays, such a repertoire is very important since you can face the Catalan at every level. For practical purposes, the author provides 2 alternative repertoires - solid and sharp. Armed with this knowledge, you can always play the system which is required by your tournament situation.


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French Defense - Advance Variation & Sidelines 

The first two databases have been dedicated to the most popular options to meet the French - 3.Nd2 and 3.Nc3 respectively. In his third and final part, Marin is dealing with the other White's alternatives on the very first moves. He is providing adequate antidotes, both based on strategical ground and by concrete ideas or move orders.
The included material resembles a small encyclopedia from Black's point of view. It is structured into 25 chapters.


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French Defense - Play the Winawer against 3.Nc3  Updated 

3.Nc3 is White's most active weapon against the French Defense. GM Marin provides an opening repertoire for Black based on 3...Bb4, commonly known as the Winawer Variation. While both 3...Bb4 and 3...Nf6 are principled as they attack White's center, the author has a clear preference for 3...Bb4 because it offers an early strategic plot, similar to his recommendation against 3.Nd2. The point is that in many lines of this variation, the exchange on c3 leads to strategically double-edged positions.


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