Opening Databases (418)

French Defense - Classical Repertoire against 3.Nd2  Updated 

In this database, GM Mihail Marin starts building a French Repertoire for Black. In the current survey, he shares his weapon against 3.Nd2. As always, Mihail goes from the structures to the theoretical lines. In this database, you will find an article about the French Isolani, 17 theoretical chapters, and 30 interactive tests which help you to develop automatic reactions in French positions.


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Beat the Dynamic Defences after 1.d4 d5 2.c4 

In this database, IM Renato Quintillano is dealing with some of the most aggressive and ambitious openings after 1.d4.
He provides a repertoire against Tarrasch Defence, Semi-Tarasch Defence, Albin Countergambit, Chigorin Defence, Baltic Defence, and the exotic Australian Defence (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c5!?).


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Marin's Solution to 1.Nf3 - Part 3 

In the final part of his Anti-1.Nf3 repertoire, Marin deals with all systems which are different from the Hedgehog. Given the fact that the move 1.Nf3 may lead to a number of different openings, the current database will help you to increase your general chess understanding. The repertoire is designed in a way that transpositions to the Hedgehog structure would be always in the air. Also, it is important to point out that the suggested systems are ambitious and allow Black to fight for a win.


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Marin's Solution to 1.Nf3 - Part 2 

All the variations dealt with in this database are quite ambitious for White. In the spirit of Hedgehog, Black wants to play a long game with many pieces and very complicated positions. Marin avoids variations with early exchanges and offers a fighting repertoire.
He played this position during his long career, and he feels the arising positions very well.
Armed with his explanations, analyses, and novelties, you should be able to face each opponent.


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Marin's Solution to 1.Nf3 - Part 1 

With this database, GM Mihail Marin marks the beginning of a new ambitious opening project - Marin's solution to 1.Nf3. The repertoire is divided into three databases. We can say that the so-called Hedgehog Setup is the cornerstone of the repertoire. Of course, in his repertoire databases, the author also deals with White's attempts to sidestep the Hedgehog. These systems are covered in Part 3, while Parts 1 and 2 are dedicated to the subtleties of the Hedgehog System.


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Yates Variation and Anti-Marshall - Repertoire for White 

With Yates Variation and Anti - Marshall, White wants to avoid long, forced and heavily analyzed main lines. His task is to minimalize Black's choices and to reach a playable position, where chess understanding is more important than memorization.
This very common opening approach is used by Magnus Carlsen with a great success.
Renier is sharing his ideas in 12 chapters - eight of them are for Yates Variation, and four are for Anti - Marshall.
The database ends with 12 test positions.


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Moscow Variation against the Sicilian - Complete Repertoire against 2...d6  Updated 

Nowadays the Moscow variation is extremely popular, and one of the reasons is the current World Champion Magnus Carlsen. His approach to the chess has changed the way of thinking for many - not to strive for advantage in the opening, but get an easy play with a logical development of the pieces. Don't be mistaken though - Magnus Carlsen may play off-beat variations but he does know them really well. Right now pretty much all of the top level players who choose 1.e4 play a decent amount of the Moscow variation as well.


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Play The Catalan - Complete Repertoire for White - Part 3 

The current database completes GM Mihail Marins' Catalan project. This time, he focuses on Black's attempts to avoid the Catalan.
After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3, the author deals with two highly popular moves - 3...Bb4+ and 3...c5.
True to his approach, in this database, Marin advocates positionally sound but not necessarily fashionable lines. That makes the suggested repertoire valuable from a practical point of view. By following Marin's recommendations, we have good chances to surprise our opponents.


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Play The Catalan - Complete Repertoire for White - Part 2 

GM Mihail Marin continues with the examination of the theoretical subtleties of the Catalan. The current database contains 1 article about the typical Catalan Endgame, 12 theoretical chapters, and 20 Test positions.
After reading the current database, the reader will learn how to deal with Black's absolute main line against the Catalan. The author provides a number of important novelties.


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Play The Catalan - Complete Repertoire for White - Part 1 

The theoretical importance of the Catalan is obvious to anyone who is following the recent theoretical developments. Nowadays, you will hardly find a top player who does not have the Catalan in his repertoire. Being always on the top of the wave, Modern Chess team decided to start a project concerning this fashionable opening.

GM Mihail Marin is the perfect author when it comes to a positional opening like the Catalan. Moreover, it is important to point out that Marin is playing this opening for almost 30 years.


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