The Chebanenko Slav is an extremely popular opening in the modern grandmaster practice. Nowadays this variation is a hard nut to crack for every 1.d4 player. In his last database concerning the Slav Defense, GM Davorin Kuljasevic provides us with a classical approach which allows White to obtain an edge against Chebanenko. As always, GM Kuljasevic shares with his readers a number of novelties and original positional concepts.
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An ex top 10 Grandmaster, who has defeated on the board no less than 8 World Champions in three formats - classical, rapid, and blitz - has released the best of his knowledge about Berlin Endgame.
The Berlin Variation is by far the most popular top-level player's weapon against Ruy Lopez. Nevertheless, the vast majority of chess fans are not familiar with the subtleties of the arising positions. In his newest opening project, GM Kiril Georgiev builds a complete Berlin-based repertoire against Ruy Lopez.
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The Semi-Slav defense is among the most popular openings for black against 1.d4. It is very flexible and usually leads to complex play in the middlegame. The name of the opening is logical since with 4...e6 black is playing a mix between the Slav and Queen's gambit declined (QGD).
In the present database, GM Davorin Kuljasevic provides you with a lifetime positional repertoire against this modern system.
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Everyone that studies chess seriously, knows that building a reliable repertoire against 1.d4 is a long-term process. Unfortunately, the majority of the chess lovers do not have enough time to dedicate to this meticulous and hard work. Here, comes to help Grandmaster Chatalbashev. In the the present database, he shares with our readers his main weapon that served him loyally during his long chess career – the so-called Late Benoni. The good news is that in this opening, the plans and strategical nuances are much more important than the concrete moves. Educational materials are structured in the following way: Theoretical part that includes the explanation of the main ideas, move orders and plans; and games that illustrate in practice the theoretical part.
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Slav defense is one of the most solid defenses against the queen's pawn first move, creating a strong and sometimes impregnable pawn chain that stretches from b7 to f7, with d5 square at its peak. In general black also wants to get his light-squared bishop out to f5 or g4, so as not to be bounded by this pawn chain and to exert pressure on white's center. On the other hand, black is not ambitious in a sense of challenging white's central domination early in the opening with pawn breaks such as c5 or e5 that we see in some other openings, so white usually enjoys a slight pressure within the first 5-15 moves.
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Nowadays, Grunfeld defense is one of the most dangerous weapons against 1.d4. The fact that this is an active and complex opening, explains it’s popularity among players from all levels from amateur to GM. Fortunately, we have good news for the fans of 1.d4 – Grunfeld will stop causing them nightmares. In his latest database, GM Petar Arnaudov provides you with a complete repertoire against Grunfeld. His recommendation is based on the so-called Russian System which arises after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Qb3
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What to play against the Catalan? During the last years, this question is qetting more and more recurring.A lot of grandmasters have even stopped playing 1...d5 in response to 1.d4 because of the raising popularity of the Catalan.In this line of thoughts, it is not a surprise that nowadays almost every top player has the Catalan is his opening repertoire.
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Every 1.d4 chess player must find a reliable weapon against the Kings Indian Defence. Even though we live in a modern time where chess is dominated by computer programs, this opening gains in popularity. The arising positions are extremely complex and double-edged. That is the reason why this is the favourite opening of creative players like Kasparov, Radjabov and Nakamura. Their games are rich of brilliant attacks against the White king.
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