Play the Nimzo-Indian Defence - Top-Level Repertoire for Black
We are pleased to present another high-quality course by GM Ivan Cheparinov - Play the Nimzo-Indian Defence - Top-Level Repertoire for Black.
You can hardly find a top-level player who does not play the Nimzo-Indian Defence. The fact that this fundamental opening can be played in so many different ways makes it suitable for players with different styles. True to his analytical approach, GM Ivan Cheparinov provides you with an ambitious repertoire. If you want to play for a win against 1.d4, this course is exactly for you! As always, you will find top-notch analysis rich in novelties and fresh concepts.
The course consists of 12 theoretical chapters, 12 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (4h and 40min).
This is the starting position of the Nimzo-Indian Defence. Starting from this position, GM Cheparinov builds a full repertoire for Black. In Chapter 1, he examines all the rare options that White has at his disposal. The most serious among them are 4.Bg5 and 4.Qb3. It goes without saying that Black does not have any problems whatsoever.
Chapter 2 features the relatively rare 4.g3. Our repertoire against this line is based on 4...0-0 5.Bg2 Bxc3+ 6.bxc3 d6
The pawn structure is already in Black's favor thanks to White's doubled c-pawns. Black intends to continue with e5 and Nc6. Of course, White will try to compensate for the static drawbacks by means of a dynamic play. In this chapter, you will see how to parry such attempts.
Chapter 3 discusses all the plans connected with Bd2. Systems with Bd2 have recently become quite common antidote to the Nimzo-Indian Defence. The move order doesn't change much for White, but it does give different additional options to Black, although d7-d5 will be the preferred pawn push when meeting these Bd2 plans.
Chapter 4 is dedicated to the line starting with 4.a3
This is quite an aggressive move, but with correct play, it's White who needs to be careful, and Black can even fight for an advantage. This line is similar to 4.f3. Cheparinov's suggestion is 4...Bxc3+ 5.bxc3 b6!
With the advancement of computers, this move has been established as the strongest one. The idea is to quickly attack the c4-pawn with Nc6-Na5 and Ba6. Black can also postpone castling for the time being since the king can become a target for an attack on the kingside. The arising positions are quite important for your understanding of the Nimzo-Indian Defence.
Chapter 5 features 4.Nf3.
Although this line was more popular in the past, nowadays it's still played quite often. White wants to play g3 and Bg2, or Bg5, depending on the situation.
The main line of Cheparinov goes 4...0-0 5.Bg5 c5. This line is very practical and reliable. Deep analysis shows that it's also theoretically very sound.
In Chapter 6, the author deals with his favourite line 4.f3.
Here is how Cheparinov introduces this line himself: "Around one year ago, I made a course for Modern Chess on this variation with White. Objectively, Black is fine but this is a very interesting option for white, where Black needs to know quite a bit in order to neutralize the pressure."
The main line goes 4...c5 5.d5 b5 6.e4 0-0
Cheparinov prefers this move since it's more concrete and complex, and it's very difficult for White to play this variation if Black knows a lot.
Chapter 7 examines the line with 4.Qc2. This move has always been considered the most principled option against Nimzo-Indian Defence. In this case, the suggestion of Cheparinov is 4...c5.
The author really likes this line. It's, of course, one of the main moves, though it has been forgotten for a while. Now it has become popular again. The most important line in this direction is 5.dxc5 0-0 6.a3 Bxc5 7.Nf3 d5!
It's because of this strong move that 4...c5 became popular again. Practice, as well as computer analysis, prove that White cannot find any advantage in this position.
The topic of Chapter 8 is the position arising after 4.e3 0-0 5.a3 Bxc3 6.bxc3 d6!
This continuation is suggested by top engines as Black's best move. The idea is to play ...e5, while ...c5 stays an option. Black does not have any problems in the resulting positions.
In Chapter 9, Cheparinov examines the very popular 5.Nge2.
White supports the c3-knight and wants to play a2-a3 next. We get fighting positions without too much theory. There are, however, typical plans and ideas present in this line. Cheparinov opts for the classical setups based on ...d7-d5.
A very important position for the Rubinstein Variation of the Nimzo-Indian Defence is being reached after 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd3 d5
Chapter 10 deals with the plans, including Nge2, with or without Nge2. As a rule, in all this lines, understanding is more important than knowledge of concrete theory. In the analysis to this chapter, Cheparinov shows how Black should neutralize White's different setups.
Chapter 11 deals with the position arising after 4.e3 0-0 5.Bd3 d5 6.a3
This move has become very popular. White wants to secure the pair of bishops and retain the option to develop his knight to e2. At this point, we go for 6...dxc4!?
Not as popular as 6...Bxc3, but still an interesting option. The idea is to keep the bishop on the board with 7...Be7 (or 7...Bd6) in reply to 7.Bxc4. The author thinks this line is simpler to handle than the one with 6...Bxc3.
The last Chapter 12 is dedicated to White's main lines in the position arising after 4.e3 0-0 5.Nf3 d5
Besides the main move 6.Bd3, Cheparinov also deals with 6.a3 and 6.Be2. In all cases, Black goes for a quick ...c7-c5. Since the repertoire is based on solid positional grounds, you can play it mainly by relying on your understanding.