Play the Rossolimo - Top-Level Repertoire for White - Part 1 (2h and 43min Running Time) 

GM Michael Roiz     May 30, 2024


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Content  (57 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Video Introduction  Closed
Chapter 1 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 1 - 3...Nc6 4.0-0, Sidelines  Closed
Chapter 1 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 2 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 2 - 4.0-0 Bg4  Closed
Chapter 2 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 3 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 3 - 4.0-0 Bd7 5.Re1 a6  Closed
Chapter 3 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 4 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 4 - 6.h3 sidelines  Closed
Chapter 4 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 5 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 5 - 6.h3 g6  Closed
Chapter 5 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 6 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 6 - 6.h3 e6  Closed
Chapter 6 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 7 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 7 - 6.h3 a6 7.Bf1, Minor Lines  Closed
Chapter 7 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 8 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 8 - 6...a6 7.Bf1 e5  Closed
Chapter 8 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 9 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 9 - 7...g5 and 7...Rg8  Closed
Chapter 9 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 10 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 10 - 6.h3 a6 7.Bf1 e6  Closed
Chapter 10 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 11 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 11 - 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 6.a4, Minor Lines  Closed
Chapter 11 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 12 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 12 - 6.a4 Nf6 7.a5  Closed
Chapter 12 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 13 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 13 - 6.a4 a5 7.0-0 Nf6  Closed
Chapter 13 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 14 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 14 - 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Not Bg7  Closed
Chapter 14 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 15 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 15 - 4...bxc6 5.d4 cxd 6.Qxd4 f6  Closed
Chapter 15 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 16 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 16 - 4...bxc6 5.d4 cxd6 6.Qxd4 Nf6  Closed
Chapter 16 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 17 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 17 - 4...bxc6 5.d4 Bg7 6...dxc5, 7...Ba6  Closed
Chapter 17 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 18 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 18 - 4...bxc6 5.d4 Bg7 6.dxc5, 7...Qxc5  Closed
Chapter 18 - Memory Booster  Closed
Test Section  Closed

79.00 EUR

Play the Rossolimo - Top-Level Repertoire for White - Part 1


We are pleased to introduce the first course of a two-part project by GM Michael Roiz - the Rossolimo Variation against the Sicilian Defence. The starting position of the Rossolimo Variation arises after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5


This initial course deals with the continuations 3...d6 and 3...g6. The remaining moves will be covered in Part 2, which will be released soon.

The course consists of 18 theoretical chapters, 18 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (2h and 43min). GM Michael Roiz offers numerous new ideas and rare concepts that are not sufficiently well explored, ensuring that you are well-prepared to surprise your opponents. All the lines are thoroughly examined with top-level engines, guaranteeing the highest quality of analysis and recommendations.

In Chapter 1, GM Roiz examines the sidelines after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Nc6 4.O-O.


One critical move is 4...Nf6, provoking 5.e5. The move 4...a6 is criticized for wasting a tempo, and 4...g6 allows 5.d4, exploiting the pin on the knight for a significant advantage. The 4...e5 approach stabilizes the center, but White retains strong central control and superior pawn structure.

In Chapter 2, the move 4...Bg4, although popular, is considered dubious. White can continue with 5.h3, prompting 5...Bh5. If Black exchanges with 5...Bxf3, White gains a solid position with active piece play. The move 6.c3 prepares for a strong center push with d4. An important line is 6...Nf6 7.d4, where White can sacrifice a pawn for a strong initiative.

The main tabiya of Chapter 3 is reached after 4...Bd7 5.Re1 a6 6.Bxc6 Bxc6 7.d4 cxd4 8.Nxd4 Rc8 9.c4 Nf6 10.Nc3, allowing White to gain significant space.


An alternative aggressive approach by Black is 8...Bd7, but it leads to risky positions where White can exploit weaknesses with the move 9.Bg5.

Chapter 4 is dedicated to 4...Bd7 5.Re1 Nf6 6.h3, White's second most popular choice.


Black can counter with 6...Ne5, aiming for simplifications. Nevertheless, Roiz shows that even in this case, White can put pressure. Early aggression with 6...g5 is considered dubious, leading to an advantageous position for White after 7.Bxc4 followed by d2-d4. Another solid approach is 6...Rc8, though White retains a strong center and a stable edge.

Chapter 5 covers the move 6.h3 g6, a choice played by strong GMs.


White can respond with 7.c3 Ne5 and then the rare but ambitious 8.Be2, aiming for a strong central push.The alternatives to 7...Ne5 leave Black in a passive position.

In Chapter 6, the move 6...e6 signals Black's intention to enter French-type positions. After 7.c3 d5 8.d3, White can gain a stable and slightly advantageous position by maneuvering pieces effectively. Black can easily find himself under an annoying pressure.

Chapter 7 examines Black's minor lines after 6.h3 a6 7.Bf1


As a rule, White keeps a slight but stable advantage against all these minor options.

Chapter 8 deals with 6.h3 a6 7.Bf1 e5


A top choice: Black stabilizes situation in the centre and eliminates White's further extension with e4-e5. On the flipside, this advance radically weakens d5-spot and makes the f8-bishop quite restricted. After the normal 8.c3, Black has a choice between the solid 8...Be7 and the ultra-aggressive 8...g5 which is speciality of creative GM Simon Williams. Black sacrficices a pawn to claim drawbacks of h2-h3 and take advantage of open g-file. In this chapter, Roiz shows how White can pose problems in both cases.

Chapter 9 explores 7...g5 and 7...Rg8, aggressive responses by Black.


Even though this moves are highly creative and ambitious, Black cannot fully solve his problems, provided that White plays precisely.

Chapter 10 examines the move 7...e6, common and leading to a comfortable position for White, who can build a powerful center with 8.c3 Be7 9.d4. Our position of interest could be reached after 9...cxd4 10.cxd4 d5 11.e5 Ne4 12.Nbd2


The most practical solution - White exchanges the nasty central knight of opponent without any strucutural concessions, as after 12.Nc3. Practice has shown that White can rely on a small edge in this French type of structure.

In Chapter 11, Roiz starts dealing with probably the most important line against Rossolimo - 4...g6. In this chapter, the author starts examining the position arising after 5.Bxc6 dxc6 6.a4


This move is only White's 5th choice, although a2-a4 is a traditional move in such situations - White often secures c4 for his knight this way. Black has to make a tough decision now - 6...a5 weakens b6, when allowing a4-a5 isn't in everyone's taste either. In this chapter, you will see how to find Black's sidelines in this position.

Chapter 12 continues with 6.a4 Nf6 7.a5, making c5 vulnerable and depriving Black of the ability to connect the pawns with ...b6. White can follow up with Be3 and build a strong position with active pieces and a central pawn majority.

Chapter 13 deals with 6.a4 a5 7.O-O Nf6


After 7...Nf6, White can continue with 8.Qe2, preparing to push e4-e5 at the right moment.

Chapter 14 focuses on Black's deviations from 5...Bg7 after 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3. The most interesting among these options is 5...Qc7.


This move has recently gained popularity. In particular, it was successfully played by Magnus Carlsen. Black intents to play e7-e5 instantly without locking his fiianchettoed bishop. Once again, we will opt for a2-a4. Just like in the main line, this move creates positional challenges for Black.

Chapter 15 covers 4...bxc6 5.d4 cxd 6.Qxd4 f6


The most common move. Black somewhat wekanes his king, but it yields him the possibility to stabilize centre with ...e7-e5. White's best response is to develop actively with 7.O-O d6 8.Be3 Nh6 9.c4. White's initiative on the queenside and central control lead to a favorable position.

Chapter 16 looks at 4...bxc6 5.d4 cxd 6.Qxd4 Nf6


This looks more solid for Black, but White can quickly gain central control with 7.e5. Black's best response is to develop pieces actively and aim for counterplay, but White's central dominance and active pieces provide a lasting advantage.

Chapter 17 focuses on 4...bxc6 5.d4 Bg7 6.dxc5 Qa5+ 7.Nbd2 Ba6


In this position, White's best move is 8.Rb1!. This multi-tasking move is definitely the best. White unpins the b-pawn and makes b2-b4 possible.

Chapter 18 concludes with 4...bxc6 5.d4 Bg7 6.dxc5 Qa5+ 7.Nbd2 Qxc5. Black regains the pawn at once, but he will have to move his queen a couple of times. White follows up with 8.O-O d6 9.Re1, aiming to push e4-e5 and capitalize on the open center and Black's weak pawn structure. White's active pieces and strong center provide a decisive advantage.