Complete Solutions (18)

Discover our expertly crafted chess courses, offering complete solutions to master specific themes. From openings and middlegames to endgames and strategies, these comprehensive sets are ideal for players of all levels seeking structured and effective chess education.

Repertoire for Black by GM Grigor Grigorov

This package which includes 7 courses by GM Grigor Grigorov will provide you with a full repertoire for Black. The repertoire is based on positional systems where the understanding is more important than the knowledge of concrete theory.

1.Nf3 According to Roiz

This package provides a repertoire for White based on 1.Nf3. The entire repertoire revolves around the Reti System. The suggested variations are quite suitable for positional players who play the opening with a lot of ambition.

1.e4 e5 According to Roiz

In 5 databases, GM Michael Roiz provides 1.e4 e5 repertoire for Black against White's most challenging lines.

Pawn Structures

Before building an opening repertoire, you should learn different pawn structures. In this way, your opening knowledge will be based on solid understanding. The more pawn structures you know, the greater number of openings you can play.
Additionally, learning different pawn structures improves your general chess understanding.

Practical Play

This bundle of 9 GM courses is designed to improve your practical play. Studying these databases will definitely optimise your decision-making process.

Learn from Classics

Knowledge of the classics will tremendously improve your chess understanding. Besides, we are sure that by studying this selection of 8 courses, you will start loving chess even more!

Calculation & Dynamic Play

This package is designed to improve your calculation and dynamic feeling. It goes without saying that calculation is the most important of abilities! By enhancing your calculation and dynamic play, you can compensate for some lack of positional understanding.

Boost Your Endgame

This collection of endgame courses will dramatically increase your endgame understanding. The package can be useful for players of all levels - from amateur to 2700+ GM.

1.d4 Repertoire for Positional Players

This repertoire is very suitable for positional players who don't have a lot of time to study theory. The entire approach is based on Torre and London structures. After 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3, White is ready to play 3.Bg5 against both 2...e6 and 2...g6. Against 2...d5, however, we will go for the London System. London will be our choice also against 1...d5. Structurally speaking, Torre and London are very similar. Therefore, studying both openings in combination will increase your middlegame understanding.

Ambitious 1.d4 Repertoire

The idea of this selection is to provide 1.d4 repertoire for ambitious players who have time and energy to study the main lines. The suggested databases are logically connected. Even though studying them requires a lot of dedication, once you have done the job, you will observe tremendous progress!