The Queen’s Gambit: Complete Repertoire for White with GM Tamas Fodor
Renowned coach GM Tamas Fodor reveals…
If you are a 1.d4 player and you are on the fence whether to go for a gambit or not, this is the opening for you.
Why? Because the Queen’s Gambit is a gambit yet it is NOT…
White’s offering of the c4-pawn is not permanent — he can pick the pawn back any time he wants.
White challenges Black’s central control and attempts to gain immediate space. This opening looks for action and often leads to sharp, tactical positions.
What Queen’s Gambit is about?
The Queen’s Gambit is edgy, complex, and dynamic — and plays for a win against Black. Throw in some crazy line, and Black might end up tumbling right off the start.
Having said that, it must be noted that playing the Queen’s Gambit is like playing with fire. Remember, this is a theory-heavy opening. If you don’t know what you are doing, you might end up hurting yourself… bad, really bad.
No worries… GM Tamas Fodor comes to your rescue.
Through his new, exclusive course The Queen’s Gambit: Complete Repertoire for White, he is going to reveal to you ALL the most common and rare variations of the opening…
… in 22 high-quality videos, each spanning from 30 minutes to 1 hour!
Not only he explains the logic behind every move made but also why some other candidate moves are not made.
Is this course for you?
As a super successful tournament player and coach for the last seven years…
GM Fodor, with his unique insights and practical experience, throws new light into the Queen’s Gambit as an opening.
And whether you are a beginner or a seasoned chess player, we guarantee you will absolutely love this course.
NOTE: Only if you are ready for a sharp and complex opening like the Queen’s Gambit, would we recommend this course to you.
One thing – you might not become Beth Harmon anytime soon. But you sure will have tonnes of fun in the process!
Here’s what you are going to learn:
- Benoni, Benoni, Benoni! What if Black mistakenly starts with …c5 instead of …Nf6? Fodor shows you why this might be advantageous for White and how to exploit it.
- Nf3 first, d5 second. In the Chigorin, Fodor suggests you start with Nf3 after Black plays …Nc6, followed by …dxc4. Why? To put pressure on the Nc6 knight. How? Get the course, please!
- Black’s a6-knight in Grünfeld. Black intends to break through with …c5, and White should avoid the exchange. That’s not all though. Fodor shows the FULL line in a 45-minute video.
- Black’s response to White’s cxd5? In the Chigorin, if Black recaptures the pawn with the knight or the queen, Fodor shows you how to manoeuvre this for an extra tempo soon.
- Dutch Stonewall’s dark-square bishop. The dark-squared bishop can be a GREAT weapon for Black. How to neutralize it? Hint: exchange it for your dark-square bishop. For a full explanation, go through Chapter 9 of the course.
This outstanding 10-hour repertoire gives you an easy-to-learn system for White—throwing Black off balance almost as early as move 2 or 3 in some cases.
Here is what’s included:
Queen’s Gambit Complete Repertoire for White – video course [10 hours] Through this new, exclusive course GM Tamas Fodor is going to reveal to you ALL the most common and rare variations of the Queen’s Gambit… in 22 high-quality videos, each spanning from 30 minutes to 1 hour! Not only GM Fodor explains the logic behind every move made but also why some other candidate moves are not made.
Complete set of PGNs Downloadable, complete set of PGNs of everything covered so that you can analyze it at your own pace and convenience. A must-have treasure chest for any serious player.
Access to Practicum Train the important attacking motifs with a set of specifically designed tasks and challenges. The practical part is an important element of the course.
CHAPTER 1 Englund-Budapest Gambit
CHAPTER 2 Benoni Defense
CHAPTER 3 Nimzo-Indian Defense I
CHAPTER 4 Nimzo-Indian Defense II
CHAPTER 5 Benko-Albin
CHAPTER 6 Kings Indian Defense
CHAPTER 7 Queens Gambit Accepted
CHAPTER 8 Ragozin Defense
CHAPTER 9 Dutch Defense
CHAPTER 10 Against e6-b6
CHAPTER 11 Grunfeld Defense
CHAPTER 12 Queens Gambit Declined
CHAPTER 13 Slav Defense
CHAPTER 14 Tarrasch Defense
CHAPTER 15 Marshall Gambit
CHAPTER 16 Chigorin Defense
CHAPTER 17 Modern Defense
CHAPTER 18 Queens Gambit Accepted Games
CHAPTER 19 Kings Indian Defense Games
CHAPTER 20 QGD-Slav-Tarrasch Games
CHAPTER 21 Dutch-Benoni Games
CHAPTER 22 Grunfeld Defense Games
Meet the Author
GM Tamas Fodor [2533 FIDE]
Is a Hungarian Grandmaster. He learned chess at 5 and since then has been in love with it. During his junior years, Tamas has been competing in countless tournaments and with hard work and dedication was able to reach the Grandmaster level in 2013. Tamas is an active tournament player and renowned coach for over 10 years. His best performances include 1st place in the 2009 European Team Chess Championship, 1st place in Junior Hungarian Championship, and 1st place in 2001 World Chess Championship U10 among many other international events.