Repertoire against Reti Opening, King's Indian Attack, and English Opening
We are happy to present another fascinating and unusual project by GM Alvar Alonso: Repertoire against Reti Opening, King's Indian Attack, and English Opening.
The repertoire is optimized for Slav Defence players. In response to 1.Nf3, GM Alonso suggests exclusively setups based on 1...d5 and 2...c6. It goes without saying that English Opening starting with 1.c4 is answered with 1...c6.
In order to provide you with complete solution, we have decided to include for free PGN version of the camp, Understand the Slav Defence. This file is included in the "Extras" section.
The database consists of 10 theoretical chapters, 10 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (2h and 10 min Running Time).
Preview by GM Alvar Alonso
I conceived this repertoire to counter popular setups by White, such as the King's Indian Attack, Nf3-e3, Nf3-b3, and Nf3-c4 move orders, offering an alternative to the common Orthodox responses of 1...d5, 2...Nf6, 3...e6. Such Reti-inspired setups often compel Black into intricate reversed Benonis or the more subdued Catalan. Moreover, it's crucial to address 2.e3 setups that lead to fixed structures, especially if you're aiming to later deploy b7-b6 or venture into Tarrasch-like variations where an isolated pawn poses practical risks.
This repertoire particularly shines if you're considering the solid Slav (frequently used by players like Caruana and Giri) or even the Semi-Slav. White's potential d4 move can transpose into various Slav variations. To boost your confidence, I've secured victories against two grandmasters using the black pieces in the Exchange Slav.
For professional players, 1...d5 and 2.g3 often meets with 2... g6, leading to a solid Grunfeld with g3. Although 2... Nc6 or 2... Nd7 are practical alternatives for some games, I wanted a repertoire that was versatile against various positions.
I'm quite familiar with the d5-c6-Bf5 approach from my previous experiences with the Slav. With this course, we aim to reintroduce an alternative to 1. Nf3/1.c4 setups, excluding d2-d4. It's a fantastic strategy when facing opponents inclined to long games, such as with 1. Nf3 and 2. b3, offering a robust strategy for every nuanced variation.
This course encompasses several considerations:
Choose from lines opposing the most resilient setups, like 1. Nf3 2. g3 (without an early c2-c4) and 1. Nf3 2. b3. These offer deep insights, especially if you wish to try London against King's Indian players with reversed colors, a strategy I've employed in numerous rapid events.
For the nuanced c4 lines, I lean towards presenting sharp and innovative ideas. White players might vaguely recall their advantages from 5–10 years ago but might be rusty on the details.
Covering all move orders ensures that options like the Chebanenko maintain the essence of a sideline strategy. If you're a Semi-Slav player, transitioning to this repertoire may be smoother.
My meticulousness in integrating concepts across various openings assures that you'll grasp the art of repertoire construction and pinpoint straightforward ideas to challenge your opponent's strategy. This is especially useful against unconventional moves like 1. Nf3 2. d3!?, where opponents aim to pull you from familiar ground, irrespective of what the engine recommends.
In certain situations, I provide diverse perspectives (like QGA transpositions), ensuring you're informed about a range of positions. This encourages adaptability and strategic thinking rather than mechanical moves.
I hope you find this course enriching. I welcome any feedback. For setups like Nf3-e3, Nf3-b3, and Nf3-c4, feel free to incorporate even 1.c4.