Reti Opening - Repertoire against the King's Indian Setups 

GM Michael Roiz     October 11, 2023


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Content  (45 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Video Introduction  Closed
Chapter 1 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 1 - 7...Nc6 8.Rb1 a5 9.b3 - Rare  Closed
Chapter 1 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 2 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 2 - 9.b3 h6  Closed
Chapter 2 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 3 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 3 - 8.Rb1 h6  Closed
Chapter 3 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 4 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 4 - 8.Rb1 Re8  Closed
Chapter 4 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 5 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 5 - 8.Rb1 Nh5  Closed
Chapter 5 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 6 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 6 - 6...Nc6 7.d3 Nh5  Closed
Chapter 6 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 7 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 7 - 6...Nc6 7.d3 - Rare Lines  Closed
Chapter 7 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 8 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 8 - 6...e5 7.d3 Nbd7  Closed
Chapter 8 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 9 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 9 - 6...Nbd7  Closed
Chapter 9 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 10 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 10 - 7.d3 a5  Closed
Chapter 10 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 11 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 11 - 7...c6 8.Rb1 Re8  Closed
Chapter 11 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 12 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 12 - 7...c6 8.Rb1 a5  Closed
Chapter 12 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 13 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 13 - 6...c6 7.d3 d5  Closed
Chapter 13 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 14 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 14 - 6...c6 7.d3 - Rare Lines  Closed
Chapter 14 - Memory Booster  Closed
Test Section  Closed

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Reti Opening - Repertoire against the King's Indian Setups


We are happy to announce the latest database of Michael Roiz - Reti Opening - 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 - Repertoire against the King's Indian Setups. The suggested repertoire fits very well with the previous databases by Roiz on the Reti Opening

In all the systems covered in this course, White refrains from the advance d2-d4. Hence, the repertoire is a perfect match for everyone who plays Reti Opening as White. in most of the lines, White is trying to achieve strategic play where the understanding is far more important than knowledge of concrete theory.

The course consists of 14 theoretical chapters, 14 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (2h and 10min Running Time).

The first 5 chapters are dedicated to the position arising after 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.Nc3 e5 7.d3 Nc6 8.Rb1


This important tabiya can arise both from English Opening and Reti Opening move orders. White is preparing his thematic queenside play based on the advance of the b-pawn.

In Chapter 1, Roiz starts dealing Black's top-choice 8...a5

By preventing b2-b4, Black invites White to go a2-a3 because b2-b4 will yield Black control over the a-file. On the downside, it weakens b5 and allows White to play Nc3-b5 in various cases. 

At this point, the suggestion of Roiz is 9.b3 which is a flexible continuation. White prepares finachetto and overprotects his pawn-c4 - this might be important for pushing d3-d4 in the long run.

Black's main move 9...h6 is examined in Chapter 2. Chapter 1 covers all the sidelines.

Against, 9...h6, the suggestion of Roiz is 10.h3!?.


A flexible response that was only seen in a couple of high-level games so far. White leaves his queen's bishop on its diagonal and invites his opponent to show his cards. Also, in many cases, Black wouldn't be able to exchange the g2-bishop with ...Bh3. Further analysis shows that White can fight for a small advantage in this line. You can find more information in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3 is dedicated to the position arising after 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.Nc3 e5 7.d3 Nc6 8.Rb1 h6


This move is by far the most popular among Black's minor options (regarding that 8...a5 can be considered as the absolute mainline). As usual, this move illustrates Black's intention to place the light-squared bishop on e6 and some when pushing g6-g5. The other merit is avoiding a pinning move ..Bc1-g5. 

At this point, White can immediately start his queenside play by means of 9.b4. You can find further analysis of this position is Chapter 3.

The topic of Chapter 4 is the continuation 8...Re8.


This move often means that Black isn't planning to develop an attack with f7-f5, but builds his counterplay on ...e5-e4 push. Once again, White will follow with the straightforward 9.b4. As it becomes clear from the annotations in Chapter 4, the advance ...e5-e4 does not provide Black with enough dynamic resources.

In Chapter 5, you will find covered the continuation 8...Nh5.


This somewhat risky move was seen in more than 300 games. Black builds on fast counterplay on the kingside that is based on expansion with f7-f5, g6-g5 and so on. Again, White has nothing better than 9.b4. One of the points is that the advance 9...f5 can be met by 10.b5 followed by c4-c5.

This position is extensively analyzed in Chapter 5.

The next two chapters are dedicated to the position arising after 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.Nc3 Nc6


By starting with this move Black sometimes shows his intention to delay ...e7-e5. After White's 7.d3, Black's most ambitious choice is 7...Nh5. This is an aggressive plan. Black shows his intention to push the f-pawn and put White's king under pressure. This line is dealt with in Chapter 6. Black's alternatives to 7...Nh5 are examined in Chapter 7.

Chapter 8 examines the line 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.Nc3 e5 7.d3 Nbd7


This is Black's 3rd choice on practice. Like in Classical King's Indian Defence with g3, Black temporarily blocks his light-squared bishop, when his knight is heading on c5 in most cases.

At this point, the suggestion of Roiz is 8.b4. Quite a rare, but rather ambitious continuation. Like in English Ppening or ''reversed closed Sicilian,'' White starts extending on the queenside, and now it is tougher for Black to restrict the fianchettoed Bg2 with c7-c6. This position is extensively analyzed in Chapter 8.

Chapter 9 covers 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.Nc3 Nbd7


This move was played by many strong players. In most cases Black opts for...e7-e5 next and it leads to other chapters, but there are some exceptions. These exceptions will be covered in Chapter 9.

The subject of Chapter 10 is the following tricky line - 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.Nc3 e5 7.d3 a5


Quite a flexible continuation. As after 7...Nc6 8.Rb1 a5, Black temporarily prevents b2-b4, when a6-spot can be considered vacant for b8-knight. In this position, our choice is going to be 8.h3!?

This is White's 6th choice, but Roiz really likes this prophylactic move: as in most of cases, White is now ready to play e2-e4, followed by Bc1-e3. Black is invited to show his cards.

The next two chapters feature the position arising after 7...c6 8.Rb1


White is preparing the typical queenside play based on the advance b2-b4-b5. In Chapter 11, Roiz examines the continuation 8...Re8, preparing ...d6-d5. In this case, we can react with 9.e4!? White's main task at this point is fixing favorable situation in the centre, even though it blocks the fianchettoed bishop.

In Chapter 12, the author takes a look at 8...a5. A top choice by Black. As after 7...Nc6 8.Rb1 a5, Black makes it tougher for the opponent to extend on the queenside. In the case of 9.a3, followed by b2-b4, Black will get control over the open a-file and also get rid of a-pawn that sometimes becomes rather vulnerable.

In this position, we will play 9.h3!? which is quite a rare move. White deprives the opponent's minor pieces of g4 and secures e3 for his dark-squared bishop.

The last 2 chapters are dedicated to the position arising after 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.Bg2 Bg7 4.0-0 0-0 5.c4 d6 6.Nc3 c6 7.d3


In Chapter 13, Roiz examines the continuation 7...d5. This move is rare, but definitely challenging for White: Black interrupts White's original plans as now e2-e4 advance is neutralized or at least delayed. At this point, our choice is going to be 8.Be3!?. An original way of maintaining the tension. White blocks his e-pawn, but takes control of d4 and connects the rooks. Further analysis shows that White can fight for a small advantage in these positions.

The last Chapter 14 features the alternatives to 7...d5. As it becomes clear from the analysis, White has many good ways to get nice and playable positions.