Sicilian Four Knights - Top-Level Repertoire for Black (3h and 39min Video Running Time) 

GM Ivan Cheparinov     March 31, 2024


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Content  (35 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Chapter 1 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 1 - Rare 5th moves  Closed
Chapter 1 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 2 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 2 - Rare 6th moves  Closed
Chapter 2 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 3 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 3 - 6.Qd3  Closed
Chapter 3 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 4 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 4 - 6.g3  Closed
Chapter 4 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 5 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 5 - 6.a3  Closed
Chapter 5 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 6 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 6 - 6.Be2  Closed
Chapter 6 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 7 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 7 - 6.Bf4  Closed
Chapter 7 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 8 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 8 - 6.Ndb5  Closed
Chapter 8 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 9 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 9 - 6.Nxc6 bc6 Main Lines - 8...Qc7- Rare 10th moves  Closed
Chapter 9 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 10 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 10 - 6.Nxc6 bc6 Main Lines - 8...Qc7- 12.exf6  Closed
Chapter 10 - Memory Booster  Closed
Chapter 11 - Video Lecture  Closed
Chapter 11 - 6.Nxc6 bc6 Main Lines - 8...Qc7- 12.Nf2  Closed
Chapter 11 - Memory Booster  Closed
Test Section  Closed

79.00 EUR

Sicilian Four Knights - Top-Level Repertoire for Black


We are pleased to present GM Ivan Cheparinov's new project, which extends his earlier coverage of the Classical Sicilian with a database on the Sicilian Four Knights variation, starting from the position after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6.


In this variation, unlike when 2...d6 is played, White must consider the potential for 6...Bb4. 

The course consists of 11 huge theoretical chapters, 11 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (3h and 39min).

As usual, the survey is beginning with the minor alternatives.

Chapter 1 is dealing with the ones on move 5, the other ways to defend the central pawn respectively. The author explains why 5.Nd2 is not compatible with the Maroczy bind and he is also recommending to hinder the latter in reply to 5.Bd3 by means of 5…Nc6!

Chapter 2 goes on with the rarest White’s options on move 6. Most of them are met by the thematic sally 6…Bb4, noteworthy is the tricky 6.g4 Nxg4 with an idea to refute 7.Nxc6 with 7…Qh4!

In Chapter 3, 6.Qd3 (in the first Chapter material on challenging 5.Qd3 with 5…d5 can be found) is back on the map, as well as another way to fight against it after the insertion of 5.Nc3 Nc6.

Chapter 4 is about 6.g3, when the standard attack against by 6…Bb4 is not so effective because of 7.Bg2.


Therefore, Black should better switch to 6…d5 7.exd5 exd5 8.Bg2, the subtle 8…Bg4! 9.Nde2 and only here 9…Bb4, aiming at destroying the queenside structure with sufficient counterplay on that wing. This conception can serve very well to any devotee of the Sicilians with 2…e6 as an antidote to 3.g3.

The move 6.a3 is a radical measure against the pin.


Chapter 5 features the adequate reaction with 6…Be7 7.Be3 0-0 8.Be2 d6 and, in particular, a timely e6-e5 central break in the spirit of the Classical Sicilian.

Chapter 6 discusses the gambit 6.Be2 Bb4! 7.0-0 Bxc3 8.bxc3 Nxe4


The main line with 9.Nxc6 dxc6 10.Bd3 Nc5 11.Qg4 0-0!? is analyzed to an inevitable draw in a rook ending.

Chapter 7 concentrates on the sharp 6.Bf4!? Bb4 7.Nb5 Nxe4 8.Qf3 d5 9.Nc7 Kf8 10.Nxa8 e5 11.Bd2 Nd4 12.Qd1


The consequences of the complex main variation 12…Qh4! 13.g3 Qf6 14.Nxe4 Nf3 15.Qxf3 Qxf3 16.Bxb4 Kg8 17.Nd6 Qxh1 18.0-0-0 Be6 19.Nc7 Qxh2 20.Nxd5 Bxd5 21.Rxd5 Qxf2 are analyzed in detail with references to games of elite players.

After 6.Ndb5 Bb4 White can transpose to the previous Chapter, but objectively his main continuation is 7.a3 Bxc3 8.Nxc3 d5 9.exd5 exd5 10.Bd3 0-0 11.0-0, when the common 11…Bg4 is once again critical.


Chapter 8 is investigating 12.f3 Bh5 13.Bg5 Qb6 14.Kh1 /similar is the course in case of 14. Rf2/ Ne4 15.Nxe4 dxe4 16.Bxe4 Qxb2, most of the ensuing lines are leading to (almost) full annihilation of the queenside.

The last 3 Chapters are dedicated to White’s most principled choice 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.e5 Nd5 8.Ne4 Qc7 9.f4 Qb6.


In Chapter 9 the alternatives of the main move 10.c4 are examined. Two of them deserve to be mentioned – firstly, 10.Bd3, when it is possible to open the position with interest by 10…f5 11.exf6 gxf6, but the emphasis is on 10.a3, when Black can also complicate matters after 10…Ne3 11.Qd3 Nxf1 12.Rxf1 Ba6 13.c4 with the help of the same blow 13…f5! 14.exf6 d5, when various perpetuals are in the air.

The key continuation is 10.c4 Bb4 11.Ke2 f5, as follows: Chapter 10 explores 12.exf6 Nxf6 13.Be3 Qd8 14. Nd6 Bxd6 15.Qxd6 Bb7, when Black’s chances are based on a timely …c5 advance, even at the cost of this pawn.


After 16.Rd1 (it is worth remembering that in reply to the other popular move 16.Kd1 Black must use the reversed order 16…c5 17.Bd3 Rc8!) the best way to proceed is 16…Rc8! and to meet 17.g4 or 17.Bxa7 with 17….c5.

Finally, Chapter 11 can fill any chess lover with real pleasure. It is delving into the subtleties of the kaleidoscope after 12.Nf2, where the theoretical discussion is followed by a tense middlegame and, similar to Chapter 6, an instructive draw in a rook ending.


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