The Power of the Bishop Pair (3h 14min Running Time) 

Modern Chess Team     November 11, 2021


Video Content

Content  (92 Articles)

Introduction  Free
Section 1 - The Power of Two Bishops - Introduction  Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops on clear board  Closed
Section 1 - Another trapped Rook  Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops vs Knight  Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops vs 2 Knights  Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops vs Queen  Closed
Section 1 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 2 - Two Bishops in the Endgame - Introduction  Closed
Section 2 - Philosophy of endgames  Closed
Section 2 - Gulko B. - Kremenietsky A.  Closed
Section 2 - Andersson U. - Handoko E.  Closed
Section 2 - Grachev B. - Lysyj I.  Closed
Section 2 - Gordievsky D. - Golubev S.  Closed
Section 2 - Magnus C. - Caruana F.  Closed
Section 2 - Sveshnikov E. - Browne W.  Closed
Section 2 - Anand V. - Aronian L.  Closed
Section 2 - Fischer R. - Addison W.  Closed
Section 2 - Torosyan N. - Hovhannisyan K.  Closed
Section 2 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 3 - Two Bishops vs Knights - Introduction  Closed
Section 3 - Philosophy  Closed
Section 3 - Domination of Bishops  Closed
Section 3 - Enlarging  Closed
Section 3 - Pawn sacrifice to activate the Bishop  Closed
Section 3 - Bishops and Rooks combo!  Closed
Section 3 - Richter B. - Tarrasch S.  Closed
Section 3 - Dreev A. - Alsina L.  Closed
Section 3 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 4 - Queen Exchange - Introduction  Closed
Section 4 - Andersson U. - Handoko E.  Closed
Section 4 - Cintron R. - Botvinnik M.  Closed
Section 4 - Shirov A. - Onischuk A.  Closed
Section 4 - Take it with Queen  Closed
Section 4 - Anand V. - Gelfand B.  Closed
Section 4 - Tal M. - Dobosz H.  Closed
Section 4 - Smirin I. - Vallejo P.  Closed
Section 4 - Torosyan N. - Tsydypov Z.  Closed
Section 4 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 5 - Passed Pawn - Introduction  Closed
Section 5 - Gabuzyan Chessmood - WhereToGo  Closed
Section 5 - Anand V. - Gelfand B.  Closed
Section 5 - Magnus C. - Nepomniatchi I.  Closed
Section 5 - Knaak R. - Sax G.  Closed
Section 5 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 6 - Open Positions - Introduction  Closed
Section 6 - Mamut I. - Givon A.  Closed
Section 6 - From a training game  Closed
Section 6 - Vachier L. - So W.  Closed
Section 6 - Ter-Sahakyan S. - Loiacono A.  Closed
Section 6 - Rubinstein A. - Schlechter C.  Closed
Section 6 - The power of monsters!  Closed
Section 6 - Short N. - Zilber I.  Closed
Section 6 - Vidmar M. - Nimzowitch A.  Closed
Section 6 - Magnus C. - Topalov V.  Closed
Section 6 - Matovic P. - Hellsten J.  Closed
Section 6 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 7 - Two Bishops in Attack - Introduction  Closed
Section 7 - Exchanging opponent's King cover pawn  Closed
Section 7 - Botvinnik M. - Benker O.  Closed
Section 7 - Stein L. - Gershberg  Closed
Section 7 - Alekhine A. - Romi M.  Closed
Section 7 - Melkumyan H. - Fridman D.  Closed
Section 7 - Szabo L. - Euwe M.  Closed
Section 7 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 8 - Exchange - Introduction  Closed
Section 8 - Unpredictable and strong idea  Closed
Section 8 - Blumin B. - Fine R.  Closed
Section 8 - Yudasin L. - Rozentalis E.  Closed
Section 8 - Tartakover S. - Lasker E.  Closed
Section 8 - Saidy A. - Fischer R.  Closed
Section 8 - Aguado D. - Ponomariov R.  Closed
Section 8 - Explanations on why to keep Bishops  Closed
Section 8 - Kramnik V. - Anand V.  Closed
Section 8 - Alekseev E. - Grischuk A.  Closed
Section 8 - Svidler P. - Anand V.  Closed
Section 8 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 9 - Transformation - Introduction  Closed
Section 9 - Karpov A. - Giorgadze T.  Closed
Section 9 - Rashkovsky N. - Gusev V.  Closed
Section 9 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 10 - Pawn Down - Introduction  Closed
Section 10 - Botvinnik M. - Euwe M.  Closed
Section 10 - Alekhine A. - Colle E.  Closed
Section 10 - Conclusion  Closed
Section 11 - Imbalance - Introduction  Closed
Section 11 - Euwe M. - Keres P.  Closed
Section 11 - Nezhmetdinov R. - Chernikov O.  Closed
Section 11 - Stein L. - Hartoch R.  Closed
Section 11 - Ivanchuk V. - Bareev E.  Closed
Section 11 - Giri A. - Aronian L.  Closed
Section 11 - Conclusion  Closed

45.00 EUR

Partner product:


The Power of the Bishop Pair

GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

About This Course

Using and playing against the bishop pair is one of the most important skills in chess. The right evaluating of the bishop pair is crucial for many openings as well.

The content is divided into 11 sections. Each one of them contains a number of model games and examples. The author has worked on this topic for 6 months! Therefore, you can expect in-depth insights that cannot be found in every source. The subtle understanding of this topic will dramatically increase your level.

Hopefully, after watching this course you'll think twice before giving up your bishop, and you'll know how to beat your opponents when they do. 

About Coach

GM Gabuzyan Hovhannes

FIDE ELO: 2620

Olympic Champion under 16 (2010)

World University Champion (2016)

Hovhannes Gabuzyan became a Grandmaster at 17!

He is an Olympic Champion under 16 (2010)

He won the World University Chess Championship in 2016, Armenian Chess Championship in 2017 and joined Armenian National team.