Introduction Free
Section 1 - The Power of Two Bishops - Introduction Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops on clear board Closed
Section 1 - Another trapped Rook Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops vs Knight Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops vs 2 Knights Closed
Section 1 - 2 Bishops vs Queen Closed
Section 1 - Conclusion Closed
Section 2 - Two Bishops in the Endgame - Introduction Closed
Section 2 - Philosophy of endgames Closed
Section 2 - Gulko B. - Kremenietsky A. Closed
Section 2 - Andersson U. - Handoko E. Closed
Section 2 - Grachev B. - Lysyj I. Closed
Section 2 - Gordievsky D. - Golubev S. Closed
Section 2 - Magnus C. - Caruana F. Closed
Section 2 - Sveshnikov E. - Browne W. Closed
Section 2 - Anand V. - Aronian L. Closed
Section 2 - Fischer R. - Addison W. Closed
Section 2 - Torosyan N. - Hovhannisyan K. Closed
Section 2 - Conclusion Closed
Section 3 - Two Bishops vs Knights - Introduction Closed
Section 3 - Philosophy Closed
Section 3 - Domination of Bishops Closed
Section 3 - Enlarging Closed
Section 3 - Pawn sacrifice to activate the Bishop Closed
Section 3 - Bishops and Rooks combo! Closed
Section 3 - Richter B. - Tarrasch S. Closed
Section 3 - Dreev A. - Alsina L. Closed
Section 3 - Conclusion Closed
Section 4 - Queen Exchange - Introduction Closed
Section 4 - Andersson U. - Handoko E. Closed
Section 4 - Cintron R. - Botvinnik M. Closed
Section 4 - Shirov A. - Onischuk A. Closed
Section 4 - Take it with Queen Closed
Section 4 - Anand V. - Gelfand B. Closed
Section 4 - Tal M. - Dobosz H. Closed
Section 4 - Smirin I. - Vallejo P. Closed
Section 4 - Torosyan N. - Tsydypov Z. Closed
Section 4 - Conclusion Closed
Section 5 - Passed Pawn - Introduction Closed
Section 5 - Gabuzyan Chessmood - WhereToGo Closed
Section 5 - Anand V. - Gelfand B. Closed
Section 5 - Magnus C. - Nepomniatchi I. Closed
Section 5 - Knaak R. - Sax G. Closed
Section 5 - Conclusion Closed
Section 6 - Open Positions - Introduction Closed
Section 6 - Mamut I. - Givon A. Closed
Section 6 - From a training game Closed
Section 6 - Vachier L. - So W. Closed
Section 6 - Ter-Sahakyan S. - Loiacono A. Closed
Section 6 - Rubinstein A. - Schlechter C. Closed
Section 6 - The power of monsters! Closed
Section 6 - Short N. - Zilber I. Closed
Section 6 - Vidmar M. - Nimzowitch A. Closed
Section 6 - Magnus C. - Topalov V. Closed
Section 6 - Matovic P. - Hellsten J. Closed
Section 6 - Conclusion Closed
Section 7 - Two Bishops in Attack - Introduction Closed
Section 7 - Exchanging opponent's King cover pawn Closed
Section 7 - Botvinnik M. - Benker O. Closed
Section 7 - Stein L. - Gershberg Closed
Section 7 - Alekhine A. - Romi M. Closed
Section 7 - Melkumyan H. - Fridman D. Closed
Section 7 - Szabo L. - Euwe M. Closed
Section 7 - Conclusion Closed
Section 8 - Exchange - Introduction Closed
Section 8 - Unpredictable and strong idea Closed
Section 8 - Blumin B. - Fine R. Closed
Section 8 - Yudasin L. - Rozentalis E. Closed
Section 8 - Tartakover S. - Lasker E. Closed
Section 8 - Saidy A. - Fischer R. Closed
Section 8 - Aguado D. - Ponomariov R. Closed
Section 8 - Explanations on why to keep Bishops Closed
Section 8 - Kramnik V. - Anand V. Closed
Section 8 - Alekseev E. - Grischuk A. Closed
Section 8 - Svidler P. - Anand V. Closed
Section 8 - Conclusion Closed
Section 9 - Transformation - Introduction Closed
Section 9 - Karpov A. - Giorgadze T. Closed
Section 9 - Rashkovsky N. - Gusev V. Closed
Section 9 - Conclusion Closed
Section 10 - Pawn Down - Introduction Closed
Section 10 - Botvinnik M. - Euwe M. Closed
Section 10 - Alekhine A. - Colle E. Closed
Section 10 - Conclusion Closed
Section 11 - Imbalance - Introduction Closed
Section 11 - Euwe M. - Keres P. Closed
Section 11 - Nezhmetdinov R. - Chernikov O. Closed
Section 11 - Stein L. - Hartoch R. Closed
Section 11 - Ivanchuk V. - Bareev E. Closed
Section 11 - Giri A. - Aronian L. Closed
Section 11 - Conclusion Closed