Tricky Repertoire аgainst King's Indian Defence

GM Boris Avrukh needs no introduction – he is one of the most acknowledged theoreticians and authors of our time.
In this project, he is launching a very ambitious repertoire against King's Indian Defence.
He analyzes the system which arises after the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 (0-0) 5.Nge2
He analyzes the system which arises after the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 (0-0) 5.Nge2

Avrukh provides the following explanation:
This is usually considered merely as a surprise weapon against the KID, but it actually contains more venom than it might seem. I was quite sceptical about it at first because the knight does not seem to belong on g3 square when Black already has a pawn on g6. However, one of my students had great results with this system (often called Hungarian System) as White, so I decided to check it more deeply. After careful analysis, I came to the conclusion that this is indeed a very playable system for White that could even form a base for a long-term repertoire and not only a temporary weapon. Black needs to show very good home preparation not to be worse out of the opening, which can be seen in the analysis below.
In Chapter 1, the author analyses the provocative move order 4...0-0, where White should continue in the spirit of the line with 5.Nge2 and Black's attempt to get counterplay with 5...c6 and 6...d5 failed to impress.
Chapter 2 is dedicated to the tricky 5...Nbd7. Black is delaying castling for a few moves and strikes quickly in the centre. The arising positions are double-edged, but the author claims a slight advantage for White in all lines.
In Chapter 3, you will find analyzed another sideline 5...c6 with the idea to meet 6.Ng3 with 6...a6 followed by ...b7-b5
This setup is flexible, but it seems that Black can't equalize completely.
Chapter 2 is dedicated to the tricky 5...Nbd7. Black is delaying castling for a few moves and strikes quickly in the centre. The arising positions are double-edged, but the author claims a slight advantage for White in all lines.
In Chapter 3, you will find analyzed another sideline 5...c6 with the idea to meet 6.Ng3 with 6...a6 followed by ...b7-b5
This setup is flexible, but it seems that Black can't equalize completely.
The last two chapters are dedicated to the most principle move 5...0-0. After the logical 6.Ng3, Black has a choice between entering Benoni territories after 6...c5 or play in a KID fashion with 6...e5.
Both setups are viable, and GM Avrukh analyzes them in-depth, suggesting many new concepts and novelties.
Both setups are viable, and GM Avrukh analyzes them in-depth, suggesting many new concepts and novelties.