Understand the Reversed Sicilian - 1.c4 e5 

April 4, 2021


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Content  (76 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Video Lecture  Closed
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Model Game 1  Closed
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Model Game 2  Closed
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Model Game 3  Closed
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Model Game 4  Closed
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Model Game 5  Closed
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Model Game 6  Closed
Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - Model Game 7  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Video Lecture  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Introduction  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - The Structure with bxc3  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - The Structure with dxc3  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 1  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 2  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 3  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 4  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 5  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 6  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 7  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 8  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 9  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 10  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 11  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 12  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 13  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Model Game 14  Closed
Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - Test Positions  Closed
Test Position 1 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 2 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 3 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 4 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 5 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 6 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 7 - Solution  Closed
Test Position 8 - Solution  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Video Lecture  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 1  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 2  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 3  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 4  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 5  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 6  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 7  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 8  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 9  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 10  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Model Game 11  Closed
All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - Test Positions  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Video Lecture  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Introduction  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 1  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 2  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 3  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 4  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 5  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 6  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 7  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 8  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 9  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 10  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 11  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 12  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 13  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 14  Closed
Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - Model Game 15  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends - Video Lecture  Closed
Modern Theoretical Trends  Closed
Modern Understanding of the Plans with ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5 - Video Lecture  Closed
Modern Understanding of the Plans with ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5  Closed
My Experience in Reversed Sicilian - Video Lecture  Closed
My Experience in Reversed Sicilian (Webinar) - Game 1  Closed
My Experience in Reversed Sicilian (Webinar) - Game 2  Closed
My Experience in Reversed Sicilian (Webinar) - Game 3  Closed
My Experience in Reversed Sicilian (Webinar) - Game 4  Closed
Q&A Session  Closed

79.00 EUR

Understand the Reversed Sicilian - Pawn Structures, Tactical Ideas, Strategy, and Theoretical Trends

Introduction and Free Preview

The Reversed Sicilian camp is already a digital product. This product includes all the videos from the camp as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Additionally, we include the PGN file of the Reversed Sicilian Discussion with GM Pavel Eljanov. Overall, the material consists of approximately 9 hours of video and a PGN database which includes 88 files!

You will find the following lectures:

Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - GM Davorin Kuljasevic

Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - GM Grigor Grigorov

All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - GM Petar Arnaudov

Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - GM Mihail Marin

Modern Theoretical Trends - GM Boris Avrukh

Modern Understanding of the Plans with ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5 - GM Ivan Cheparinov

Q&A Session with GM Grigor Grigorov and GM Petar Arnaudov

In this article, we will briefly present some interesting moments taken from the lectures.

Master the Reversed Sicilian Structures with ...d7-d5 - GM Davorin Kuljasevic

In this lecture, GM Davorin Kuljasevic takes a closer look at the typical Sicilian Structure with colours reversed.


On the diagram, you can see the basic pawn structure of the lecture. One can easily spot the flexibility of this pawn structure. White has many little pawn moves that can dramatically change the nature of the position. During the lecture, GM Kuljasevic regularly makes parallels with the classical Sicilian. This approach makes the lecture useful for Sicilian players as well.

The lecture consists of 7 extensively annotated model games. Below, you can take a look at one of them.


Understand the Positions with Doubled Pawns on c2 and c3 - GM Grigor Grigorov

In the introduction to the current lecture, GM Grigorov writes:

When we were discussing the content of this camp, it was quite easy for me to pick a topic. As a student of GM Viktor Gavrikov, I am always glad to fight against doubled pawns. Giving his bishop for a knight in order to obtain a structural advantage was one of Viktor's favourite positional tools. Therefore, it's not a surprise that he loved to play the Reversed Sicilian as Black. His favourite system was 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Bb4


Black immediately indicates his intention to exchange his dark-squared bishop for the knight. At this point, I need to say that the strategic choices of Viktor were highly inspired by his trainer Chebanenko who was a famous Moldovian trainer and theoretician. Chebanenko was among the first theoreticians who submitted the Rossolimo Variation (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5) to serious analysis. He found many deep ideas and concepts in the structures arising after Bxc6. Quite naturally, he wanted to apply the same philosophy against 1.c4. This is how the Chebanenko school started developing the systems based on ...Bb4. I find the systems with ...Bb4 a very decent practical choice. In order to play for a win with Black, you need to create some kind of imbalance in the position. The exchange of the dark-squared bishop for the knight is achieving exactly this goal. Black has a better pawn structure while White enjoys a bishop pair. Which one of these factors will prevail depends on the understanding of the opponents. One thing is sure - there will be a complex strategical battle in which the player with a better understanding will win.

The lecture consists of 14 extensively annotated model games 8 test positions. Below, you can examine one of the model games:


All You Need to Know about the Setups with ...Bc5 - GM Petar Arnaudov

The setups with ...Bc5 are fundamental for your understanding of the Reversed Sicilian. In these systems, your positional understanding is more important than the knowledge of concrete theoretical variations. Therefore, it's not a surprise that these systems were always advocated by the former World Champion Anatoly Karpov.

In his lecture, besides the classical ideas related to ...Bc5, GM Petar Arnaudov examines the modern trends as well. The PGN version of the lecture consists of 11 in-depth annotated model games and 13 test positions. Below, you can take a look at the first example.


Playing on Opposite Wings in Reversed Closed Sicilian - GM Mihail Marin

For every camp on the English Opening, a lecture by GM Mihail Marin would be a great honour. Despite the distance of the time, his trilogy on the English Opening, published by Quality Chess, is still being used as a reference. 

In his current lecture, Marin deals with the play on opposite wings in Closed Sicilian type of positions.

The starting point of his lecture arises after 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 d6 6.Nf3


At this point, Marin writes:

This move maintains the structural flexibility, ensuring White long term chances for a better ending or a strategic advantage in the middlegame. The fact that he gives up any attempts at fighting for space in the centre, makes this setup suitable for examining the ideas connected with our main theme. White is simply bound to attack on the queenside.

One of the main positions from the lecture is presented below:


This position is very important for your understanding of the system. During the lecture, Marin examines it in a great detail. Here is how he introduces the challenges in this position:

Things become more complicated after the first phase. White's position looks pleasing aesthetically, due to his control on light squares, but without opening files and diagonals he cannot make progress. Black's positional attack is more consistent since he can use a wider space. On the other hand, advancing all his kingside pawns and regrouping with the pieces behind them is time-consuming.

Besides the explanation of the typical plans and ideas, Marin provides a brief repertoire as well.

Below, you can take a look at one of the examples from the lecture.


Modern Theoretical Trends - GM Boris Avrukh

When it comes to theoretical coverage, GM Boris Avrukh is the guy you need. As always, besides just pointing out the recent developments, Avrukh provides fresh new ideas and sheds light on strong but underestimated systems. For example, in this lecture, he makes a case for the line 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.g3 Nd4!? that he examined together with Fabiano Caruana. Especially after studying the previous lectures from the camp, you will tremendously benefit from the lesson of GM Avrukh.

Modern Understanding of the Plans with ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5 - GM Ivan Cheparinov

Ivan Cheparinov is already a regular lecturer at Modern Chess camps. This time, he explains the plans with ...c7-c6 followed by ...d7-d5 in the Reversed Sicilian.

He deals with two basic lines:

1) 1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 c6


2) 1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 c6


Besides explaining all the important plans and ideas, Cheparinov provides a complete repertoire for Black in these two systems. In his analysis, you will find a number of top-level novelties and concepts.