Understand the Ruy Lopez 

GM Dejan Bojkov     December 27, 2020


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Content  (47 Articles)

Introduction  Free
Black Has a Kingside Majority - Video  Closed
Black Has a Kingside Majority  Closed
White Has a Kingside Majority - Video  Closed
White Has a Kingside Majority  Closed
The A-File - Video  Closed
The A-File  Closed
Open or Half-Open File - Video  Closed
Open or Half-Open File  Closed
Rubinstein's Maneuver - Video  Closed
Rubinstein's Maneuver  Closed
Kingside Black Maneuvers - Video  Closed
Kingside Black Maneuvers  Closed
Attacking the B5-Pawn - Video  Closed
Attacking the B5-Pawn  Closed
Attacking the Pair B5 - C4 - Video  Closed
Attacking the Pair B5 - C4  Closed
Kasparov's Knight - Video  Closed
Kasparov's Knight  Closed
Kasparov's Knight - Positional Sacrifice - Video  Closed
Kasparov's Knight - Positional Sacrifice  Closed
Exchange Sacrifice - Video  Closed
Exchange Sacrifice  Closed
Holes and Outposts - Video  Closed
Holes and Outposts  Closed
The Bishop Pair - Video  Closed
The Bishop Pair  Closed
Knight Domination - Video  Closed
Knight Domination  Closed
Knight Domination Bonus - Video  Closed
Knight Domination Bonus  Closed
Boleslavsky's Bishop - Video  Closed
Boleslavsky's Bishop  Closed
Fighting Rauzer's Idea - Video  Closed
Fighting Rauzer's Idea  Closed
Fighting Rauzer's Idea a'la Kholmov - Video  Closed
Fighting Rauzer's Idea a'la Kholmov  Closed
Weakness on d6 - Video  Closed
Weakness on d6  Closed
Executing the d6-d5 Break - Video  Closed
Executing the d6-d5 Break  Closed
Black's h7-h5 Counterattack - Video  Closed
Black's h7-h5 Counterattack  Closed
Liren's g-pawn Punch - Video  Closed
Liren's g-pawn Punch  Closed
How to Create Queenside Majority - Video  Closed
How to Create Queenside Majority  Closed

49.00 EUR

Partner product:


Understand the Ruy Lopez

“Milking a cow.” This is how once Bronstein described the Ruy Lopez opening. Despite the heavily explored lines this remains one of the most colourful and rich openings ever. The complex nature of the arising positions, the huge variety of tactical and positional ideas make it a must for every chess player.

The more we study and the deeper we dive into the Ruy Lopez the more and more secrets will be revealed and the better the understanding of the structure and the typical ideas would become.


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