Winning Endgame Strategies (Video Database - 8.5 hours running time) 

GM Davorin Kuljasevic     February 6, 2021


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Content  (18 Articles)

Introduction  Free
Winning Endgame Strategies - Introduction  Closed
Schematic Thinking I  Closed
Schematic Thinking II  Closed
Schematic Thinking III  Closed
Exchanging Pieces I  Closed
Exchanging Pieces II  Closed
Exchanging Pieces III  Closed
Two Weaknesses I  Closed
Two Weaknesses II  Closed
Symmetrical Positions I  Closed
Symmetrical Positions II  Closed
Isolated Pawn I  Closed
Isolated Pawn II  Closed
Passed Pawn  Closed
Converting Advantage I  Closed
Converting Advantage II  Closed
Extras  Closed

85.00 EUR

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Winning Endgame Strategies with GM Davorin Kuljasevic


You probably noticed that all the top GMs are also excellent endgame players. And that’s NOT  a coincidence. A great number of games are decided in the endgame.

Grandmasters meticulously examine endings with one side having an upper hand and learn how to save or convert them into a win. From a practical point of view, those are the most important positions.

However, that’s where many club players are struggling.

We often hear things like  “I’m a bad endgame player” or “I don’t get the endings”. The truth is those players are either lacking experience or don’t have enough endgame knowledge and practice under their belt. Great endgame play is based on strategies and intuition.

And that’s exactly what this course provides.

You will learn 50 endgames “building blocks” that you can use in your own games to construct a win.

GM Kuljasevic has learned some of those ideas when he was 15 and 2200 rated from Mikhail Shereshevsky, one of the most renowned endgame experts.  After studying those strategies he reached IM level within 4 months, becoming a GM thereafter.

Many of those principles and ideas are pretty advanced and hard to digest for a club player without deciphering and proper explanation. That’s what GM Kuljasevic does in this Endgame Mastery Course. He makes it a breeze to understand and apply those ideas. And also adds his own wisdom and contemporary examples giving you the COMPLETE coverage of the Endgame Strategies.

What this course will do for you:

Many club players are often not sure what to do in the endgame.

GM Kuljasevic shares his own endgame philosophy [aka master-plan] that helped him and many dozens of his students to win hundreds if not thousands of endgames.

If you master the endgame strategies you will get a strong competitive edge. Even if it was your weakness before, you will turn it into your strength and help winning many games and gain rating points.


You will learn