Scotch Game - Expert Repertoire for White
GM Cheparinov comes up with another fascinating project - Scotch Game - Expert Repertoire for White. Being a big Scotch expert himself, GM Cheparinov shares his analysis.
Even though the Scotch game is less popular than Italian and Ruy Lopez, the current survey proves that it is not less dangerous. The current repertoire will enable you to create practical problems even against top-level grandmasters.
The database consists of 14 theoretical chapters, 14 interactive test positions, a Memory Booster, and a Video Version (Running Time 6h and 20min)
The main starting position of the repertoire arises after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4
Obviously, almost all your opponents will capture on d4 in this position. Cheparinov, however, also explains how to meet the rare 3...d6?!.
The first important crossroads occurs after 3...exd4 4.Nxd4
Black has two very principled options in this position - 4...Bc5 and 4...Nf6. Before dealing with these main lines, however, Cheparinov dedicates a lot of time to Black's other options on move 4. He covers them in Chapters 2-6. In his analysis, the author proves that White can fight for a huge advantage in all the sidelines.
Against 4...Bc5, Cheparinov suggests 5.Nb3.
Nowadays, 5.Nb3 is considered more challenging than the old main line with 5.Be3. If the black bishop retreats to b6, White's idea is to proceed with Nc3 followed by Qe2, Bg5 (e3) and 0-0-0.
Before dealing with the main move 5...Bb6, Cheparinov covers in detail the alternative options - 5...Bb4+ and 5...Be7. According to the analysis, White can obtain an advantage against these two alternatives.
The main position in the chapters with 4...Bc5 arises after 5.Nb3 Bb6 6.Nc3 Nf6 7.Qe2
This move prepares long castling and postpones the decision about where to develop the dark-squared bishop. At this point, Cheparinov examines three moves for Black - 7...a5, 7...d6, and 7...0-0. The move 7...0-0 is the most challenging reaction to our line. Analysis shows that if Black manages to find tons of forced moves, he can equalise. In a practical game, however, his task will be very complicated.
The other big main line is 4...Nf6 5.Nxc6 bxc6 6.e5 Qe7 7.Qe2 Nd5
This is one of the most discussed theoretical tabiyas in chess. White has tried literally everything here. In this database, Cheparinov suggests 8.h4!?. Having played this move in many tournament games, Ivan has an in-depth analysis here. He dedicates the last five chapters of the database to this position! The conclusion is that Black can equalize but he needs to overcome huge practical problems. Over the board, not many people will manage to equalise.