Universal Solution against Philidor, Modern, and Pirc (6h Video Running Time) 

GM Ioannis Papaioannou     July 11, 2022


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Content  (61 Articles)

Introduction and Free Preview  Free
Philidor Setups - Video Lecture  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 1  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 2  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 3  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 4  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 5  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 6  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 7  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 8  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 9  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 10  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 11  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 12  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 13  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 14  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 15  Closed
Philidor Setups - Model Game 16  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Video Lecture  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 1  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 2  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 3  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 4  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 5  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 6  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 7  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 8  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 9  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 10  Closed
Modern Defence and Rare Lines - Model Game 11  Closed
Pirc Setups - Video Lecture  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 1  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 2  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 3  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 4  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 5  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 6  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 7  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 8  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 9  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 10  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 11  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 12  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 13  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 14  Closed
Pirc Setups - Model Game 15  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Video Lecture  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 1  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 2  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 3  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 4  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 5  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 6  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 7  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 8  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 9  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 10  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 11  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 12  Closed
Theoretical Overview - Model Game 13  Closed
Q&A Session  Closed

49.00 EUR

Universal Solution against Philidor, Modern, and Pirc

The workshop of GM Grigorov - Universal Solution against Philidor, Modern, and Pirc is already a digital product. 

This product includes all the videos from the workshop as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. Overall, the material consists of approximately 6 hours of video and a PGN database which includes 55 files! 

You will find the following lectures:

✅ Philidor Setups

✅ Modern Defence and Rare Lines

✅ Pirc Setups 

✅ Theoretical Overview

Now, we shall take a look at the different lectures.

Philidor Setups

In the first lecture, GM Papaioannou examines the setups based on ...Be7. One of the basic positions from the lecture would arise after 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Bd3 e5 4.c3 Be7 5.Nf3 Nbd7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Re1


GM Papaioannou, explains why this setup is unpleasant for Black. In such positions, White usually follows with the manoeuvre Nbd2-f1-g3. He is basically playing Ruy Lopez with a few extra tempi. Besides all the typical manoeuvres and exchanges, Papaioannou explains all the subtleties related to the pawn play in such positions. After studying the material, you will be confident enough to face the Philidor Setup in your own games.

The PGN version of this lecture consists of 16 model games. Below, you shall see one of them.


Modern Defence and Rare Lines

In this lecture, GM Papaioannou explains why the Modern Defence and all the other attempts to avoid theoretical discussion are not working well against White's setup.

Besides the coverage of the Modern Defence, the author also explains another important structure that might arise after 1.e4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nf3 c6 4.Bd3 d5 5.exd5 cxd5 6.c3 Nf6 7.0-0 0-0


This kind of Carlsbad Reversed structure with a bishop on g7 can also arise from the Caro-Kann Exchange. GM Papaioannou provides in-depth explanations of this structure. After studying the lecture, you will know why exactly this structure is problematic for Black.

In this lecture, you will also find a very reliable setup against the so-called Hippopotamus Setup.

The PGN version of the lecture consists of 11 model games. Below, you shall find one of them.


Pirc Setups

In this lecture, GM Papaioannou explains why the setup with Bd3 and c2-c3 is so effective against the Pirc Defence. If White knows what he is doing, it is very difficult for Black to find an adequate counterplay.  In many cases, White can opt for a setup based on Bg5, thus getting a favourable version of the Torre Attack

After studying the material, you will enjoy a complete lifetime solution against the Pirc Defence.

The PGN version of the lecture consists of 16 model games. Below, you shall see one of them.


Theoretical Overview

The last lecture deals with the concrete theory you should know in order to play the variation. Actually, there are not so many concrete lines to remember. 

The lecture mainly focuses on the position arising after 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Bd3 e5 4.c3 d5


In the whole line with 3.Bd3,  this is possibly the best position that Black can choose. However, not many people know it, and even fewer people have analyzed it deeply! This position was considered good for Black years ago, but the engines changed everything. In this lecture, GM Papaioannou proves that White can fight for an advantage in this line.