All Databases (525)

Fundamental Pawn Structures - Part 1  Discounted 

We are excited to introduce Fundamental Pawn Structures – Part 1, a comprehensive course by IM Siegfried Baumegger, designed to elevate your strategic understanding of chess through pawn structure mastery. This course is based on his Guided Practice sessions from November, now transformed into a structured digital product that allows you to train independently at your own pace.


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Mastering the Maroczy Bind: Strategic Foundations and Deep Plans  Discounted 

We are excited to welcome GM Evgeny Romanov to Modern Chess with his groundbreaking course Master the Maroczy Bind: Foundations and Deep Plans. This course provides in-depth strategic knowledge of one of the most fundamental pawn structures in chess—the Maroczy Bind.


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Fight the English Opening - Jobava's Repertoire 

We are excited to introduce English Opening – Jobava’s Repertoire, the latest course by GM Baadur Jobava and GM Pier Luigi Basso. This course provides a complete and aggressive repertoire for Black against the English Opening, based on 1.c4 c5.

This course is the final piece in Jobava’s Full Repertoire for Black Against the Closed Openings, following his two highly successful courses:
1) The Ambitious Queen's Gambit Accepted
2) Jobava London Reversed – Top-Level Repertoire for Black
By combining these three courses, you will have a fully structured and practical repertoire against 1.d4, 1.c4, and all Closed Openings, crafted by one of the most creative and aggressive players of our time, GM Baadur Jobava.


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1.d4 According to Dreev - Fight the Slav Defense 

As GM Dreev explains in his introduction, the 4.g3 approach is an ideal weapon against the Slav Defense. Unlike 4.Nc3, which requires extensive memorization, or 4.e3, which has become highly theoretical, 4.g3 allows White to enter flexible, well-structured positions that align seamlessly with our existing repertoire.


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Play the Najdorf - Top-Level Repertoire for Black 

We are thrilled to introduce the latest groundbreaking course, Play the Najdorf - Top-Level Repertoire for Black, by GM Baadur Jobava and IM Dragos Ceres. This comprehensive guide provides an intelligent and practical approach to navigating one of the most dynamic and ambitious openings in chess: the Najdorf Variation.


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Queen's Gambit Declined According to Cheparinov - Part 2 

GM Ivan Cheparinov has released the second part of his extensive repertoire based on the Queen’s Gambit Declined. After having studied the ins and outs of the main lines of the QGD in Part 1, the author provides a cutting-edge repertoire against everything else after 1.d4 while also covering 1.c4 and 1.Nf3. So, with Queen’s Gambit Declined – Part 1 & 2, you get a complete and ambitious repertoire against all closed openings (i.e. 1.d4, 1.c4, and 1.Nf3)!


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My Practical Spanish Repertoire for White 

The camp My Practical Spanish Repertoire for White is now available as a digital product! This comprehensive course includes all the videos from the camp as well as the PGN file related to the training sessions. The material consists of 10.5 hours of video and a PGN database with 145 files!


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Tactical Thursday - Structured Calculation - Master the Ply Theory 

We are delighted to announce that the December edition of Tactical Thursday by GM Davorin Kuljasevic is now available as a digital product. In this insightful series, GM Kuljasevic continues to delve into his groundbreaking Ply Theory, providing a structured approach to calculation that combines clarity, logic, and precision.


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100 Moves to 2700 

We are excited to present 100 Moves to 2700, a groundbreaking course by GM Alexey Dreev and GM Pier Luigi Basso, designed to cater to both competitive players and chess enthusiasts. Whether you want to challenge yourself with hands-on exercises or simply enjoy the rich database of annotated examples, this course offers something for everyone.


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Queen's Gambit Declined According to Cheparinov - Part 1 

GM Ivan Cheparinov has released another state-of-the-art opening repertoire: Queen’s Gambit Declined – Part 1, which delves into Black’s most dependable defense against 1.d4. The QGD remains immensely popular across all levels of chess. Its basic plans are straightforward and easy to understand: develop the kingside with ...Nf6, ...Be7, and ...0-0, followed by active play often based on the move ...c5.


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